Israel Is Not America's Friend |
Last Updated on 11/19/05.
| Oil Last Update 11/12/05 |
Why should my tax $$$ be used to buy landmines for the
Gry Evans, Chuck MacLean, Frank Pomeroy, Paul Bostrack, Monica Hennessey Mohan, Mary Wilder, Kent Gernander, Dean Lanz, Gene Pelowski, Bob Kierlin, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes cake and ice cream at birthday parties.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes buy cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, pepper, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, railroads, trains, shirts, books about economics, diet books, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, cattle,, IBM, stocks, bonds, banks photographs, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, coal, oil, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Paris Hilton, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes steal cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tools, flamethrowers, autos, beans railroads, trains, shirts, pants, gloves, motors, alcohol, meth, coke, Pepsi, Kodak, IBM, stocks, books about economics, bonds, clams, staples, banks photographs, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, phones, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Minnesota Gophers, Paris Hilton, David Stern and Steve Forbes eat cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, coolers, fish, cattle, vegetables, fruit, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, sleet, coke, Pepsi, Kodak, IBM, stocks, bonds, spam, banks photographs, plantations, levees, boxes, plates, forks, knives, spoons, copper, manganese, minerals, mines, tables, chairs, clamps, Mazdas, galaxies, plans, veterans, politicians and wires.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Zacarias Moussaoui and Malcolm Forbes
walk their dogs and bang drums.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes play music at home with iron supplements.
John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant
and Steve Forbes eat
a lot of food and drink alcohol.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Jesse Jackson wear clothes, play sports and music.
Zach Thomas, Zacarias Moussaoui, Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie
Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes
think Bush and Cheney are corrupt and republicans.
Shaquille O'Neal, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes go to church and pray to their god.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton,
Zacarias Moussaoui, Prince Charles and Steve Plant paint w/ oil based
lacquers and pencils.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes like
Pizza w/ meat, cheese and other people.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Prince Charles and Shaq eat cheese and vanilla while watching TV.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss and Mike watch
football, baseball. hockey and basketball.
Wheels go round and round
on cars and trucks owned by Shakira, Terrell, Alito and Hudson.
Rims on SUVs are stupid. A fleet of ships sailed into the port. Planes fly high as a kite.
Ring of fire is a song by Johnny Cash. Country music is popular in the South.
Faith Hill is hot.
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, Antarctic and South America are continents.
Continental airlines shafts unions. Many people support union strikers.
Shakira wears bling bling and skirts. Scooter Libby kills for oil. Cheney
loved South African apartheid.
Diamond rings are expensive. Diamonds come from Africa, India, Russia and
Other countries. Gold is bad for earth. Gold mine pollute. Gold is a rare
element. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is an electrical conductor. Silver
also conducts electricity. Platinum is expensive. Gold and platinum are used to make
jewelry. The crown jewels are made from many gem stones. Rubies are for women.
Tanzanite is found in Africa.
I am a walker. Trout fishing and water go hand in hand. Terrell Owens has a big mouth. Libya, Sudan, Mongolia, Syria, Thailand and Ecuador are not home to Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes.
My knee went snap crackle and pop like soda at a fountain
or car show. I hate cars. DUIs are bad. Driving drunk is dangerous. Alcohol
and cars don't mix.
Safe & Sober program blows. I blew a breathalyzer and got a reading of .056. I
did a field sobriety test and failed. I smoke pot and got drunk. They searched
my car for drugs and then the police arrested me for DUI. I didn't give a
urine or blood sample so they revoked my driver's license under the implied
consent law. Implied consent is unconstitutional. Implied consent violates the
4th amendment to the constitution of the United States of America. Police stole
my diamond ring. Then the police beat me.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Beckham, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Tyler love bling bling, hip hop, reggae, blues, funk R & B, Classical, and Blondie.
Platetectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes are not well known by the
average American.
Anderson Cooper,
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, and Steve Chen hate
Dick Cheney and GHW Bush.
Bush lied about the WMDs.
Haliburton sucks. Wars suck. The Iraq war is being lost by Cheney. Cheney
owned Haliburton stock. The stock market sucks. The Dow Jones Industrial
Average went up today. The New York Stock Exchange went down yesterday.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, David Stern, Jesus, Charlie Sheen, and Steve Forbes lost
weight on the Atkins diet.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, and Jesus
need to lose weight.
Hurricane Katrina killed Louisiana and Mississipi. Katrina was bad. Republicans abuse
religion. GOP desecrates the bible. Mike Brown sucked.
Levees broke and flood water pored in. When The Levee Breaks is a song by Led
Zeppelin. FEMA blows. The Department of Homeland security sucks.
Baseball sucks. Major League baseball likes steroids. Steroids are a drug. Steroids can be injected. Heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines can also be injected into the blood stream. Drug user often transfer HIV through use of dirty needles.
Do Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, and God have HIV or AIDS.
Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Peru export cocaine, marijuana,
methamphetamines and heroin.
Cartels own Mexico. Vicente Fox can't stop the drug flow.
The drug war is a joke. Alcohol is legal. Cigarettes are legal. Smoking is
bad. Smoking hurts lungs. Our border needs a fence
George Bush is a Disease. Reagan sucked.
A POW is a prisoner of war. MIA means Missing in action. POW/MIA is a scandal.
Watergate was a scandal. John McCain was a POW in Vietnam.
Laos and Cambodia were bombed by Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson.
Disease, war and famine are bad. Many kids starve as NASA
wastes money on Mars. The space shuttle is junk. The International Space
Station is junk.
Russia owns the international space station.
Israel sucks. Israel is evil. Zionism is racism. Zionism is
bad for U.S. Israel kills kids. America supports Israel.
Bush's terrorism war is a scam. The War on Terrorism is being lost by the average
American city council.
Urban sprawl wastes land and oil. Land use issues never
make the news.
AK-47s kill. Rifles are protective. Rifles use ammunition.
Russia sells rifles. Israel sells machine guns. NRA hates gun control.
Brady Acts is opposed by the NRA. The National Rifle Association loves guns
made in China, Russia and Europe.
Cars suck. Cars are bad. Cars sales are not good. Don't buy
cars. Get one now. Don't sell cars, trucks or SUVs. Don't buy Cars, trucks
SUVs or motorcycles.
House sales go down. House sales go up. Housing is a big issue for the elderly. Houses are good.
Don't buy Houses.
We need more solar powered homes. Conserve oil, gas and coal.
I went to a big bakery sale. Tree sales are
down this year. My birthday was like a fire sale.
Whales are killed by Japan, Norway and Iceland.
Fish for sale.
Cake bake. Bake a cake. Go cook. Cooking is for women. I am a chef. We need a chef.
The restaurant needed a new chef.
Seek employment. Get a job. Get a horse. I need a good paying job.
Pepper is good. The spice trade was important. Enslavement is bad. Many women end up as sex slaves.
Israel is bad for the world. China trade is
stupid. China abuses are
Clinton's fault.
Vampires rule. Bush is a Vampire. Leeches suck Blood. Bush is a leech. Anne Rice writes too many lame books about vampires.
GOP blows. GOP is gay. GOP hates homosexuals. GOP uses the bible. Republicans use God. GOD is not a republican. I wonder if God was gay. Maybe Jesus was gay.
Get a clue. Bush has no clue. GOP is clueless. Bush has no
brains. Bush is mentally disabled. Conservative judges destroyed the Americans with
disabilities act. ADA was destroyed by the supreme court. Roberts is the chief
justice of the United States supreme court. Electoral college system sucks.
Conservatives shaft the disabled. Handicapped Americans deserve better
treatment. Many Americans discriminate against the disabled, Gays and
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles,
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes suck.
Samuel Alito is s bad judge. Samuel Alito is crazy. Zionism
is evil. Zionists discriminate. Zionism is a racist religious ideology.
Catholic church covers for pedophiles. Catholic church accepts Mexican drug
money. Catholics are crazy.
Cooper is no singer. Charles made really bad music.
Hillary Duff is not a good singer. Martin Sheen likes guys.
Terrell Owens is a douche. Terrell Owens can't play football. Philadelphia
Eagles beat Oakland Raiders. Does
Terrell Owens douche?
Anderson is gay. I rode a cooper's wheel. Scooter Libby is gay. Scooter is GOP scum. Libby defended the traitor Mark Rich. Banks loan money at high interest rates. The federal reserve set interest rates. The economy is important. Gold is important to the economy.
Morons are appointed by Bush. Dubya loves money. I have no
money. Cash is another word for money. Do you make money? Paper is used to
make dollar bills.
Tolar, renminbi, yuan, peso, drachma, and yen are foreign types of currency.
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant and Steve Forbes made an appointment. Dental appointment. Chiropractic appointment via telephone.
Mike Tice is a lousy singer. Vikes make money. Does Mike Tice do drugs? Football tickets are expensive.
Anderson Cooper, Mike King, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton,
David Stern, Emelio Estevez, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes sell things on
Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern,
Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes love to watch Philadelphia Eagles play
a game
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes suck
bananas, apples, plantains, mangoes, pears, lettuces, cabbage, pineapples,
cantaloupe, watermelons, grapes and apricots.
Wolf Blitzer, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie
Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes like sex, intercourse, vaginas,
penises, genitalia, gonads, hooters, bazookas, asses, titties, tits, nipples,
clitorises , vulvas, kissing and the missionary position better than doggie
style. What is sex? Dr. Ruth Westheimer talks about sex. Hustler, Playboy and
Penthouse are sex magazines.
Buy water on eBay. Humans drink water. Bush pollutes water and air. Anderson Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes don't care about water or toxic pollution. I drink water after having sex. I saw a movie about sex.
Ice age ended. Ice melts. Ice is cold. Ice water is tasty. Ice caps melt. Snow is cold. Ice water is tasty. Climate change is bad. Trees are important. Deforestation is killing the earth. I put ice on my sore knee. ICE stands for ice, elevate and compress.
Steve Forbes rocks seldomly. Princess Dianna had great breasts.
sells CDs. The Princess is hot.
Shakira est una musician. Latina girls are muy caliente. Latin girls rule the
world. Senor Lopez drank beer.
Loco is Spanish word. Locomotion is the name of a song. A locomotive is a
transportation machine. Locomotives run on rails. Locomotives are also call
Tu ares loco. Yo soy no loco. Loco means crazy in English.
Anderson Cooper, Mike
Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince
Charles and Steve Forbes are tools of the establishment.
Shakira is a musician. Latino girls rule.
Climate is changing the earth. Climate changes suck life out
of U.S.. It is so hot in Israel. Weather patterns change often. North Arica is
desert. The Gobi desert is hot. Israel needs water. Petra ran out of water.
Burning too much coal, oil, gas, propane and trees exacerbate global climate
change. Global warming is another term for climate change.
Russia, America and China are burning too much coal, oil and gas, propane,
kerosene, rocket propellant and trees.
Massive holes are cool. A massive black hole is at the center
of our galaxy. Ozone Holes are bad. Gat a
massive hole full of black stuff.
There is a hole in the ozone over Antarctica. The arctic ice is melting. polar
bears live in the arctic.
Anderson Cooper, Zacarias Moussaoui, Minnesota Vikings, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes travel to Mexico.
Cancun is cool. Cancun is hot. Climate is
changing. Climate change sucks. It is so hot. Weather patterns change. Cozumel
is in Mexico. Tourism is important to the Mexican economy.
Steve Smith rides a bus to football games. Jake Delhomme hates
Israeli racism.
Carolina Panthers are an NFL football team. National Football League loves steroids. Steve Smith catches
footballs. Jake Delhomme throws balls. Pittsburgh is a city. Balls are cool. Balls are hot. I got big balls.
AC/DC sand a song about big balls.
Cooper is cool. Cooper acts. I was an actress in a movie w/ Kate
Hudson. Kate Hudson and Zacarias Moussaoui like sharks. Does Prince Charles
hate Israel? Are their sharks in Israel. Shark skin boots are bad. Shark fin
soup is evil.
Lemurs die. Lemurs are animals. Lemurs have fur. Creatures like Lemurs live short lives. I want a Lemur. Buy a Lemur on eBay.
Big men block for the runner. Shakira wouldn't make a good NFL player.
AFC and NFC are 2 different conferences.
NBA is too
tough for Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott,
Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer, Minnesota Vikings, Paris
Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes.
I will never travel to China. What is the air fare? I took an air plane flight. You can book a flight on Orbitz. Buy a plane ticket on Orbitz.
Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu Picchu. Ancient ruins
of Machu Picchu. Peru is home to Ancient ruins. ancient crocodile. Machu
Desecrated ruins. Big crocodile. Peruvian gold. Ancient ruins of Machu Picchu.
Peru is home to many ruins. Fight a crocodile. Maco man.
Travel to Peru.
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are
planets in the solar system and orbit around the sun.
Some planets have moons. Earth's moon is cool.
Can Andy shoot a jump shot. Has Terrell Owens been to Iraq?
NASA sucks. Too bad Scooter Libby wasn't on the Challenger when it blew up. NY
Times sucks. Washington Post sucks. Does Shakira read the Washington Times?
What does Charlie think of Collin Powell. Does Shakira like Mid East
oil, gas and sand. Does an ancient alligator or crocodile drive a car and waste gas?
Do crocodiles live in Saudi Arabia? America sent a Saudi up on the space
WW. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War I killed many people. Influenza
killed more people than the war did. War is bad for the world economy.
The next war will be started over space.
People like
Kate Hudson rule. A king rules some countries.
Pittsburgh is a city in Pennsylvania. Minnesota is a state. St. Paul is a
city. I live in Winona.
Winona city council sucks. Dean Lanz sucks. Monica Mohon blows. Monica
Lewinsky gave a blow job to Clinton.
Blow something up. Suck something. Fuck is a bad word. Bombs are bad um kay.
Shaq sucks big time. Bears bite people. Sharks bite people.
Birth control is hated by the Vatican. The church hates
planned parenthood. Condoms rock. Rubbers are good. Birthing is hard.
Birth-control is good for humanity.
Some Africans don't use Birth-control. Bush should have been aborted. Abortion
is legal. Do you like abortion. Catholics despise Birth-control . Catholics
should use Birth-control. Babies and money make the world go around. Trojan is a brand of condom.
What is Armistice day? Go sign an Armistice. The Armistice
ended the war. Wars are bad.
WW. I was bad. World Wars suck. World War
II killed many people. Future wars will be fougt n space.
People like Angelina Jolie rule. Billy Bob Thornton was married to Angelina
Jolie. Brad Pitt is dating Angelina Jolie. She adopted a Cambodian baby.
Angelina Jolie is an astronaut. Russian space travelers are call Cosmonauts.
Some fought in the war.
Obituaries are in news papers. News papers waste trees. We need to plant more
Bush is blind. GOP supporters are blind. Cheney is a tool.
Wolf Blitzer covered up Chinagate. Wolf Blitzer supports
Israeli racists. Does Terrell Owens support Israeli racists? Scooter
Libby supports Israeli racism?
Black people often suffer from racism. The KKK is racist. ACLU supports the
KKK. ACLU files lawsuits for people like
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay,
Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer
Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes watch WCCO, KXLT Fox 47, KTTC. KMSP, Fox 9, Fox News, KSTP ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS.
WCCO, KXLT Fox 47, KTTC. KMSP, Fox 9,
CBS and PBS are run TV news programs.
BBC world news is awesome. CNN sucks.
Washington Times, Washington Post, Rochester Post Bulletin, New York Times, Winona Daily News, Financial Times, Los Angelas Times, Chicago Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Minneapolis Star and Tribune are all hated by Cooper, Mike Tice, Minnesota Vikings, Paris, David Stern, Charlie Sheen, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Assault is bad. Assault weapons are good and bad depending on
the situation. Hillary Clinton profited from assault rifle sales.
Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant ,Wolf Blitzer own firearms?
AK-47s kill some people. Rifles use
bullets. China, Russia, and Heckler Koch sell ammo. Israel sells guns.
I need ammunition. Colt makes pistols.
Face mask penalty. Flag was thrown. Virginia Tech is a school. Throw a flag.
Gates a clueless leader. Train hard. Play Hard. Party Harder.
No signal. Runner was down. No review. Vrable recovered a fumble. Tom Brady
threw a TD. Super bowl MVP won
an SUV. Trucks suck. Cars pollute. Oil is abused. Saudi Arabia supports
terrorism. Terror is bad. Cars guzzle gas. SUVs use oil. Engine oil is
changed. Oil changes are needed. The offensive line blocks for the running
back. Hines Ward is a
receiver. Batch of cookies for Charlie Batch. Fake, throw and then catch.
record of corruption. Land records. Shoulder injury. It's all bad for the
economy. People will be put out of work. Unemployment will rise not drop.
Where are the WMDs.
There are no WMDs. There were no WMDs. Iraq war is a fraud. Buy a weapon of mass destruction on eBay. Rent a house on eBay. Chemical
weapons are bad, Biological weapons are bad.
Russia, China, the United States of America, and Israel have chical, nuclear
and biological weapon stockpiles.
Saudi Arabia is hot. Saudi Arabia has sand. Oil and gas come from Saudi Arabia.
Todd Ouellette was arrested for saying "Bush Lied About WMDS" on his public access TV program.
Todd Ouellette exposed the "Chinagate" scandal.
Todd Ouellette exposed the Eastlake Apartment scandal.
Todd Ouellette met Bill Clinton, Paul Wellstone, Bob Dole and Gil Gutkneckt.
Todd Ouellette lives in Winona, Minnesota.
Mike Hatch, Minnesota Vikings, Shaquille O'Neal, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryanten, Prince Charles and Steven Jobs gave cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, guns, tornadoes, flamethrowers, autos, railroads, trailers, shirts, pants, gloves, motors, coolers, fish, fins, krill, cattle, rabbits, crank shafts, balls, alcohol, cocaine, coke, Pepsi, Kodiak, IBM, ABM, plantations, levees, bowls, plates, forms, knives, mines, tables, cells, terrorists, soldiers, veterans, politicians and wires to the Red Cross.
Anderson Cooper, Shaquille O'Neal, John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Donavon McNabb, Randy Moss, Koby Bryant, Minnesota Timber Wolves, Paris Hilton, David Stern, Charlie Murphy, Prince Charles and Steve Forbes buy cars, trucks, gold, silver, wheat, plants, farms, houses, TVs, radiation, bombs, bands, guns, tools, flamethrowers, prostitutes, autos, railroads, cellars, plantations, levees, bowls and wires.
Nukes' | Rockets | Satellites | Space Planes | UAVs | Choppers | V-22 APCs | ATWs| Small Arms | Cartridges |
M-16A2 | Israel | corporate media | brainwash | Welcome To Militarization
Russia | China
| Sub-Continent
| South America |
Central America |
AWB Scandal | Dollar Bill | Wang Jun nals Drug War | $$$, Guns And Drugs
Pope's Gold |
Diamonds |
Butte | | | | | This article is part of a blogburst - a simultaneous and cross-linked posting of many blogs on the same theme. This blogburst is on defense of Charles Johnson's blog "Little Green Footballs". The guy is a genious: this blogburst will porbably increase his traffic exponentially! To see the lis t of all righteous people that have backed LGF, Comments Israel isn't worth the life of 1 American. Posted by: Todd Ouellette at February 20, 2003 12:51 PM "Israel isn't worth the life of 1 American"??? Todd Ouellette's comment (see above) shows a lack of insight, non-historical perspective and not one shred of human decency. We Americans, as members of a dembelieve in supporting democracies, especially little ones as beleaguered as Israel. Some of us believe it so strongly that we will give our all - our very lives - in the name of freedom from tyranny and oppression (the people we fought FOR in Kosovo were MUSLIM). In an historical sense, Jerusalem is THE most holy site to Jews, and to Christians, as shown by loads of historical and archeological evidence. The temple of Solomon is there. For millennia, Jews and Christians have worshipped at the Holy Land sites, especially the Wailing Wall, the remnant of the great Temple. Jesus of Nazareth (Jewish rabbi and carpenter) taught in Jerusalem, wept over the city, and gave His life there. Mohammed passed through (possibly only in a dream) this cornerstone of Israel. And as for human decency, go see how Israel treats its Arab citizens. Non-Jewish Israeli citizens have full protection under the law, and even voting privileges. Look at a map. How HUGE the Arab/Muslim states are in the Middle East! Why would they begrudge the Israelis their tiny little homeland? Speaking of maps, I was astonished to learn that Palistinian schoolbooks and maps do not even have Israel included! Anyone hear of the Oslo Accord?'spage.html The Israelis have indeed made the desert "blossom like a rose". They do not go around blowing up civilians at cafes, markets or hotels. They have that common human decency that terrorists (and their naive Western supporters) so clearly lack. Posted by: Ben's Mom at April 13, 2003 12:16 PM Todd Ouellette, Your opinion isn't worth the excreta of one WORM. Posted by: Zionist Goy at September 1, 2003 04:47 PM Todd Ouellette is seriously the biggest moron and this isn't the only site he's posted at. All of his arguments are about how Israel mistreats Palestine, how he fought for some Republican and then he just bitches and bitches about stupid shit that he thinks people care about. Posted by: todd ouellette is a moron at July 20, 2004 04:40 PM Post a comment URL: Remember Me? Yes No Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) Comments are open and unmoderated, although obscene or abusive remarks may be deleted. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of See the Terms of Use f or more details.Email this entry Referrers to this Page FAIR USE NOTICE This site contains some copyrighted materials the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposeyour own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.' Related Entries [05/05] Deduction Maps History Stats Palestine Democracy Screen Saver Newsletter Books Links Store Contact Us Recommend View Guestbook Sign Guestbook Unique Visitors According to