Race Classes

Marilyn with our Cherokee 160

Race Team Member, my wife Marilyn

    For this race, aircraft were grouped into eight classes. Classes were established by aircraft model and/or engine horse power. For example, I was in Class 4A, which was for all Piper Cherokees with 150/160 horse power. There were four Cherokees entered in Class 4A. This racer received the first place trophy with a lap speed of 139.75 mph. Henry Gubler received the second place trophy with a lap speed of 137.57 mph. Mark Gilland placed third with a lap speed of 134.27 mph and received the third place trophy.
    The awards ceremony was held at the Sun 'N Fun Announcer's Stand at 12:00 noon, race day. Aircraft Spruce & Specialty presented trophies to the first, second, and third place winners of each class. Stories were exchanged, and challenges for next years race were made.
