Hi I'm Hamid Sharifi.
I am Post Doctoral Fellow.
- My fields of research are:
- Finite Elements Method
- Boundary Elements Method
- Mesh Generation Methods
- Numerical Analysis of the system of nonlinear partial differential Equations
- Object Oriented Modeling and Programming of above items using UML, C++, Fortran 90/95, ....
- Thesis:
- (D.E.A. Mecanique) Mesh Superposition Method
- (M.Sc. Computer Science) O.O.P. for boundary elements method
- (Ph.D. Mechanical Eng.) Mesh Generation using new modified quadtree/octree method
- (Ph.D. Computer Science) Numerical analysis of bifurcation of the system of nonlinear partial differential equation using collocation method.
- My Research Director:
- E. J. Doedel (Dep. of Computer Science, Univ. of concordia)
- My selected book List
Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- Ivo Babuska (Editor), William D. Henshaw / 1995
Modern Methods for Automating Finite Element Mesh Generation : Proceedings
- Kenneth Baldwin (Editor) / 1986
- Automatic mesh generation : application to finite element methods
- Paul L. George / 1991
- Address:
- Dep. of Mechanical Eng.
- Laval university
- Sainte-foy, Quebec,
- Canada G1K 7P4,
- Mail: hsharifi@yahoo.com
Physics around the world
- Computational Mathematics Laboratory of the Department of
Computer Science at Concordia University
- Home page of H. Sharifi at laval university