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HTML Primer

Table of Contents
Required Elements
General HTML
Advanced HTML
Special Characters
Introduction to HTML

What is HTML? This is what http://developers.ivv.nasa.gov/tech/author/what_is.html says:
"HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the language, or grammar, of the World Wide Web (WWW). It is a set of elements (sometimes referred to as "tags") that defines a document and guides software in interpreting and displaying the document. HTML is fairly versatile and allows documents to be formatted using fonts, styles, lists, and other elements that can be used to support effective electronic publishing. HTML is a platform-independent (neutral) language that can be easily transported from one computer platform to another. HTML can be used to create some pretty sophisticated and interesting documents.

HTML is sometimes described as a programming language. Creating a document in HTML is sometimes referred to as "coding." While you should be aware of this terminology, it should not discourage you from creating HTML documents."

The last line is the most important. Don't let what you don't know discourage you from building the best page you can. Don't think that you have to have a Webpage-building tool (like FrontPage or HotDog, for example) to make web pages. Many people, myself included, make all their web pages with simple text editors like Notepad. In here, we'll show you all the basics you need to know to begin building your very own web page.

Once you get started, and are developing a feel for writing in HTML, the best way I know to learn HTML is to look at other pages on the web. If you see a page you really like, take a peek at the source code to see how they did it.

Last Updated on: August 05, 1999 by the ComputerThug
Images and initial project design Copyright © 1998 Kristin

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