Y!Geocities CapeCanaveral Welcoming & Help Team Letter

CapeCanaveral Logo
Dear Homesteader;

Welcome to the Y!Geocities CapeCanaveral neighborhood!

I'm a member of the Cape's Welcoming Team, and a GeoCities Community Leader (CL). The Community Leaders are a large group of volunteers, whose "job" is to assist you with any problems or questions regarding your homestead, and help you get settled into your neighborhood. For a more complete list of the CapeCanaveral CL's, look here. What's a homesteader, you might ask? Well, that's you! Here at Y!Geocities, we refer to your website space as a homestead. We call it that because you are free to build up whatever you like on your homestead, be it a cozy cottage or a grand mansion, for as long as you want to stay with us, as long as you maintain your presence and follow the municipal laws & codes, just like a real-life homestead. We're sure you are getting all dusty building your new homestead, but we thought we'd drop by to extend a hearty welcome from some of your neighbors.

Let me take a moment here, and tell you a little more about our CapeCanaveral neighborhood and suburbs. Here at the Cape, we specialize in the sciences, including technology, engineering, mathematics, and aviation. We're proud to have many pages with the history and philosophy of science along with science education. Also included in the Cape are pages with aviation information, engineering ideas, and mathamatics. We're always keeping an eye out for new and interesting themes. We're all very proud of our neighborhood!

We'd love to have you get involved with the various activities in the CapeCanaveral neighborhood! We have things going on here all the time:

  • Visit our Community Site to see what's the latest in the neighborhood.
  • Drop by and take a peek at our Activities site, to see what up and coming activities are planned.
  • Read the Cape's eZine, The Cape Horn, for updates on various Cape-related events, articles on Cape topics, and awards for various members of the Cape community. We welcome on-topic articles each month.
  • Feeling trivial? Try the CapeChallenge or CapeTrivia.
  • Want to meet some of your neighbors? Stop by our Chat Room, or our bulletin boards.

If you're like most new homesteaders, you're probably going to have a lot of questions. Never fear - here's a list of places you can go for answers to some basic questions about building your new GeoCities homepage.

  • If you're a beginner to making web pages, relax! Here at Y!Geocities, you don't have to know any HTML (the "language" that web pages are written in) to get started. When you log into the File Manager, you can select the "Basic HTML Editor", and use it to create your very first web page - it's very easy to work with.
  • If you want to make your web page fancier, but don't know HTML, well, we have a very down-to-earth HTML Tutorial site here. It's designed for the beginner, and goes into all the basics that you will need to get started.
  • Here's another place to go to find some excellent HTML Tips, compiled by your neighbor homesteaders.

As you begin to develop your homestead, you might want to incorporate some graphics that go along with our neighborhood theme. You can find some at our Graphics site.

When you're ready to begin promoting your homestead, we have several opportunities available to you. One method to attract visitors is to join one of our neighborhood Webrings. Another great way is to get listed in our CapeCanaveral Yellow Pages. There are also several awards you can apply for. One of them is our Blast-Off award. To qualify for that one, all you need do is build a minimum of two pages on your site, within two months of your signup date. If you feel you're really outdone yourself (and we have every confidence that you can do it!), and are proud of your creation, why not apply for the Siriusly Spectacular Site Page-of-the-Month Award?

Finally, if you need help, please don't hesitate to ask one of us! That's why we're here. If, after you've read the help files, and tried the "Basic HTML Editor", things still aren't working out for you the way you want, don't despair! We'd be glad to personally assist you in getting your homestead started. For more details on this program, Go Here.

Maybe, after you get the hang of things, you might decide that you want to reach out and help some new homesteaders yourself. If you do, please stop by our Recruiting booth, and fill out an application form to become a CL in YOUR hood! We're always looking for good people and good ideas!

Good Luck with your homestead!
The Cape Canaveral Welcoming Team

For easy reference, we've put all the links together here for you:

since September 17, 1999
Last updated on September 17, 1999 by Computerthug
Images and original page design Copyright © 1998 Kristin

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