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Cape Help Information
What is CapeHelp?
CapeHelp is a team of CapeCanaveral Comunity Leaders, who have volunteered to help you develop your page. They can provide you with the following services:
  • Critique your page and provide constructive feedback
  • Help you get a good start on your site
  • Provide you with intensive one-on-one support
  • Help you take your site to the next level
  • Assist you in implementing the changes you desire
  • Assist you in learning good HTML coding practices
Who is eligible for CapeHelp assistance?
We'd like to be able to help everybody, but Y!GeoCities has become a VERY big place! So, we have to establish the following guidelines for this program.
  • Your page must be in one of the CapeCanaveral neighborhoods in Y!GeoCities.
  • You need to have created at least one page.
  • You should go through our HTML Primer, to see if it addresses any specific "how do I...?" questions, before applying for assistance.
Sounds Great! How do I apply?
If this sounds like is what you're looking for,
Apply for CapeHelp Assistance.
But all I really had was a simple question....
If you think you have things narrowed down to a a specific question, you can go here to locate any Community Leader to email your question.

since 09/20/98
Last Updated November 16, 1999 by Computerthug
Images and original Page Design Copyright © 1998 Kristin

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