As the industrial revolution grasped the United States in the late 1800s, the agricultural revolution
soon followed. Farmers became more and more critical about their crops, and soon they began
noticing how weeds and other unbeneficial plants interfered in the growing and harvesting of their
crops. As early as the 1930s, agricultural chemical research had begun and revealed a number of
synthetic organic compounds that were able to regulate plant growth. Farmers were undoubtedly
impressed with these new compounds, but they weren't the only ones. The military powers of the
world looked upon these compounds as potential military applications that may prove to be very
beneficial if used during war as defoliants. The most effective herbicide was 2,4 -
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, which will be referred to in this text as (2,4-D). The molecular structure
of 2,4-D follows in figure one.
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You may recognize the name 2,4-D as it is used even today as an effective herbicide. Greater
understanding of the molecular interactions between this compound and other herbicides has provided
requirements that limit how concentrated the herbicide can be when it is sold in today's market.
During World War II, the United States Army completed defoliant research at Fort Detrick,
Maryland. With what we know today, Fort Detrick was the first place that
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic, referred to as (2,4,5-T) in this text, was synthesized. This defoliant was
regarded as more effective, easier to apply, and safer than any other weed killers. Once World War II
ended, 2,4,5-T was marketed and sold widely around the world. Britain even used 2,4,5-T to destroy
enemy crops and cover during their colonial war with Malaysia. The molecular structure of 2,4,5-T
follows in figure 2 below.
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Compare its structure to that of 2,4-D (figure one) and you will notice that these two molecules differ
by the meta substitution (with respect to the phenoxy functional group) of one additional chlorine
substituent. This additional chlorine substituent has important implications when a comparison
molecular reactivity is explored. The ether functional group is a strongly activating ortho, para
director. The terms ortho, para, and meta (o-, p-, m-) are used extensively in organic chemistry to
describe the position of heteroatoms on the benzene ring. Please refer to the link for a detailed
explanation of these terms and how they relate to benzene regiochemistry.
In 1960, the U.S. Army tested many herbicides both in the laboratory and in the field. They were
looking for a herbicide that would defoliate woody and broad-leaved vegetation. When the U.S.
became more involved in Vietnam in 1964, a compound known today as Agent Orange was conceived.
Agent Orange was actually a one-to-one mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Agent Orange was used
extensively during the war to (1) clear paths through the jungle to make the war easier to fight by
improving observation and (2) destroy enemy crops. Altogether, the years from 1962 to 1971, involved
spraying nearly 19 million gallons of herbicides in Vietnam; at least 11 million gallons were Agent
Orange. This military project was called Operation Ranch Hand. In 1969, some 3.25 million gallons
of Agent Orange alone were sprayed on the jungles of Vietnam.
The toxicity of Agent Orange centers around the by-product that is formed when Agent Orange is
synthesized. Referred to today as dioxins, they are a group of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons that
are formed in trace amounts during production of many chlorinated compounds. In the case of agent
orange (2,4,5-T), the dioxin; 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) is formed as illustrated
in reaction one below:
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Reaction one above also explains a great deal to us when we observe the reaction and tear apart each
intermediate that is formed during the course of the reaction. The bulk of the product that is formed is
The dioxin produced in the synthesis of Agent Orange is the infamous molecule; 2,3,7,8-TCDD.
Dioxins are distinguished from other molecules only by the position of the chlorine atoms on the
molecule. For example, consider the following dioxin; hexachlorophene
in figure three below:
![]() |
topical antibacterial agent. When administered in large doses, however, hexachlorophene has been
shown to cause neurotoxic symptoms in laboratory animals by affecting the myelin (an insulating layer
around axons which aids in the conduction of nerve impulses) of the brain and spinal cord. Scientists
have now banned hexachlorophene from most uses due to the possible risks associated with its long-
term exposure.
Hexachlorophene is prepared by the condensation of two (2) moles of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol with
one (1) mole of formaldehyde in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. Let's take a closer look at
this reaction:
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In the above reaction, two moles of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol react stoichiometrically with one mole of
formaldehyde to produce hexachlorophene. The important step of this reaction is the addition of
concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In many organic reactions, sulfuric acid aids in directing the
nucleophile in its location of attack. In this case, sulfuric acid most likely produces a carbocation that
locates itself at the secondary carbon atom denoted by the arrow above. An intermediate that may
explain this perhaps non-concerted reaction is displayed in the following
![]() |
Dioxins are created unintentionally during the manufacture of chlorine containing products like the
Polychlorinated Byphenal (PCB) oils used for years in the utility transformers that supply power to
homes. Dioxins are created by burning chlorine containing wastes such as Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC).
Because of this widespread use, dioxins are present, in trace amounts, in the body fat of nearly
everyone in the civilized world.
The particular dioxin in agent orange (2,3,7,8-TCDD), has been described by some scientists as
"perhaps the most toxic molecule ever synthesized by man." The structure of TCDD appears in figure
five below. Note the characteristics of TCDD and compare them to that of hexachlorophene, figure
three above. What do you see?
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chlorine and are, in fact, tetra-substituted chlorodioxins (contain four substituted chlorine atoms).
Obviously, the dioxins contain two oxygen atoms and contain benzene rings. Remarkably, TCDD has
a very high molecular mass, 321.97 grams/mole.
An interesting question now arises. This question is: What does the mechanism look like that
describes the formation of 2,4,5-T and the dioxin; 2,3,7,8-TCDD, from reaction with
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (refer to Reaction 1)? This is a somewhat difficult question because organic
chemistry can sometimes be very tricky. For example, all organic reactions produce at least two
products because reactants tend to isomerize and some products tend to rearrange. An excellent
example of two products in a reaction is the production of (+)-Carvone and
(-)-Carvone. Let's take a look at their structures:
The molecules (+)-Carvone and (-)-Carvone are called enantiomers. If you recall, enantiomers
are nonsuperimposable mirror images. The term nonsuperimposable means that one molecule cannot
be superimposed onto the other molecule without the movement of bond(s) and/or substituent(s). For
these molecules to be mirror images, imagine a mirror between the two molecules. Now look at the
other molecule. For it to be a mirror image, the corresponding substituents will be "reflected."
Imposing these definitions for the two molecules of Carvone, they are indeed nonsuperimposable and
they are also mirror images; therefore, they are enantiomers. Organic chemists recognized
enantiomers and immediately discovered that they must design some way of naming these enantiomers
as their properties are most times distinctly different. Chemists came up with the method called the
Cahn-Ignold-Prelog rules that are used to assign absolute stereochemistry. The rules are very
simple and are explained briefly in the link. The most interesting characteristic concerning the
enantiomers of Carvone is that they are so different. Although their structures differ by their
stereochemical rotation, each molecule possesses its own characteristic very different from its
corresponding enantiomeric partner.
As was stated earlier in this text, it can be very difficult to assign mechanisms to some reactions,
especially those that produce such toxic molecules (such as TCDD). Many organic reactions proceed
so mysteriously that conceiving a mechanism can be a very trivial process. However, it is sometimes
possible to look to other undisputed mechanisms when approaching a more difficult reaction. Referring
to the reaction in question (Reaction 1), the solvent can be the most important piece of information that
can be used to determine how the mechanism proceeds. In this reaction, 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol is
reacted with chloroacetic acid in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Using basic reaction
knowledge, a mechanism for the production of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid can be proposed.
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The most difficult mechanism for this reaction is the production of the by-product: 2,3,7,8 TCDD. One
must remember that this product is a minuscule portion of the product obtained. Nevertheless, the
mechanism can describe how the dioxins can be synthesized and may lay a foundation on preventing
further synthesis of unwanted dioxins. My proposed mechanism for
TCDD follows:
![]() |
According to the Center for Disease Control and the National Cancer Institute, out of the
approximate 75 chemicals in the dioxin family, TCDD is the most toxic. The Twelfth Edition of the
Merck Index (1996) states the following toxic effects in animals: wasting syndrome, gastric ulcers,
immunotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, hepatoporphyria, vascular lesions, chloracne, teratogenicity,
fetotoxicity, impaired reproductive performance, endometriosis and delayed death. Industrial workers
who have came in contact with the concentrated forms of TCDD have developed chloracne,
porphyrinuria, and porphyria cutanea tarda.
In May of 1996, President Clinton added prostate cancer to the list of seven diseases for which
Agent Orange victims can receive disability payments. These actions came on the heel of a recent
report by the National Academy of Sciences that reconfirmed a limited association between Agent
Orange and prostate cancer. Academy scientists also raised the possibility of a link between the
herbicide and spina bifida.
One may ask just how toxic is 2,3,7,8-TCDD? According to the National Cancer Institute, the
TCDD level in Agent Orange varied from 0.02 to 54 micrograms per gram of 2,4,5-T. To aid in the
understanding of the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, consider the research of biologist Arthur Galston.
Galston was a professor at Yale University specializing in herbicide research during the late 1970s
when the cases of agent orange related illnesses were filed. Dr. Galston's findings were astonishing,
not only to other scientists but to the general public who learned about the on-going research. In
Galston's initial data, he reported that dioxin concentrations as low as five (5) parts per trillion (ppt),
"can, when supplied on a daily basis, induce a cancerous condition in rats." To put the concentration of
five parts per trillion into perspective, imagine four (4) million gallons of water and you dropping one (1)
drop of a substance (e.g. food coloring) into that volume. That is an extremely small concentration!
Galston's report continues in saying, "Concentrations about 1 part per billion (ppb) result in a
premature death from more acute causes, and concentrations above 50 ppb produce rapid signs of
acute toxicity and early death...[Researchers] have found that lower concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD
produce the same effects as higher concentrations, but merely take longer to do so...Even the purest
agent orange (2,4,5-T) currently available commercially contains about 0.05 ppm (mg/kg) of
In this text, the only dioxins that has been mentioned are 2,3,7,8-TCDD and hexachlorophene.
However, there are many dioxins. Focus has been on the tetra-chloro-substituted di-benzo dioxin, but
there are also hexa- (6); hepta- (7); and octa- (8) chloro-substituted dioxins. Of the aforementioned
poly-substituted dioxins; 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) is the most stable and
therefore more thoroughly researched. The structure for OCDD can be seen by following this link.
Now that the most common dioxins have been identified, some focus must be shed on the current
research that is being performed in the determination of toxicity of these molecules. Most research
today involving dioxins utilizes the superb technology of separations, namely that of Gas
Chromatography. Please refer to the link for a brief explanation on how a Gas Chromatographer (GC)
works. Some analytical methods used by the EPA use GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry). Research has provided the world of organic chemistry many answers relating to the
toxicity of the dioxins and how the toxicity is dependent on the degree of chlorine substitution.
Take, for example, the research performed at the Center for Environmental Science and
Technology, Department of Chemistry (University of Missouri-Rolla), and Environmental Affairs
Division (Southern California Edison Company) conducted by analysts: L.D. Sivils, S. Kapila, Q. Yan
and A.A. Elseewi. Their 1995 study examined phototransformation of chlorinated dioxins in the vapor
phase and on aerosol particles. The gas phase studies were carried out with a two-dimensional gas
chromatographic (GC) system. Studies on dioxin-bearing aerosol were carried out in a photoreaction
chamber coupled to an electrostatic classifier and particle counter. These arrangements permitted
isolation and irradiation of selected chlorinated dioxins in the photoreactor for varied periods and under
different atmospheres. The experiments conducted revealed that degradation rates in both the gas
phase and on aerosol particles are dependent on dioxin structure. For example, approximately 80% of
2,3,7-trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin was transformed after a 20-minute irradiation while less than 30% of
TCDD was transformed over the same exposure period. Photodegradation rates decreased with an
increase in the number of chlorines. Moreover, degradation rates were also influenced by the position
of chlorine substitutions. The results showed that dioxins with para chlorines photodegrade more
rapidly than dioxins with ortho or meta substituted chlorines. This would definitely explain why the
degredation of 2,3,7-trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin was nearly three times that of TCDD. An explanation
for this behavior likely relates to the directing effects of the substituents and their relative reactivitys.