Science experiments

Lab Dad's Laboratory

Hi! My name is Stephen Fuller, and I am an instructor of science in the Kansas City, Missouri School District. The purpose of this page is to provide laboratory experiments for young people to do at home, as well as a reference for science teachers. Most of the labs are intended for grades 7-12, but many can easily be done by younger scientists.
There are 143 labs and projects, so look in all the subject areas.
LAST EDITED: February 13th, 2009

REMEMBER: Always wear safety goggles when using chemicals or heat!
Chemistry Labs
Biology Labs
Physical Science Labs
Earth Science Labs
Soil Labs
Environmental Science & Ecology Labs
Food Labs
Grade School Labs
Science Projects
Insect Collecting

Research Help
Linda Hall Library of Science Engineering and Technology

With a link to the Missouri Department of Conservation web page.

Crystal Mobile


Watch For Future Contests!

Helpful Links

Online Store For All Things Science!

Science equipment and materials for the home schools.

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Please E-mail me and let me know if you enjoyed the labs. Also, if you send me a picture of you doing one of the labs, I'll put it on this Web Page.
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