Icriodella Superba
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AB14EM05X01 -- 
-- I3F10m02
Comments -- This represents one of the few platform type of elements
recovered so far in Nashville. It is thought to be a fragment that
continues with a blade-like anterior extension, but so far the intact element
has not been recovered.
References :
Bergstrom and Sweet, Conodonts from the Lexington Limestone (Middle Ordovician)
of Kentucky and its Lateral Equivalents in Ohio and Indiana. Bul
of Amer Pal vol 50, No 229, pg 336
Leslie, Stephen A. Mohawkian (Upper Ordovician) Conodonts of Eastern
North America and Baltoscandia. J of Pal. vol 74, No. 6 p.
Page established 2-02-2001, updated 2-02-2001 -- copyright Jim
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