4. Comparison of Immature Forms
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The way that conodonts grow is revealed in their internal structure.
For example, the element P4J41X03 shown below developed a series of denticles
that increased in size and spacing as the element grew toward maturity.
The conodont elements shown below are thought to indicate a series of
immature forms.
Conodonts C34A41 and I3F25
Comment: Both elements are sized to common scale below, shown with
scale bar ( .65 mm.) Lower element may represent immature form, in
which fusion of cusp has not yet taken place. Note that significant growth
along cusp axis is likely if this is true.
I3F55 --
C37AZ51 -- 
-- C34A30
Page established 7-11-97, updated 3-3-98
-- copyright Jim Davison
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