A Theory of the Universe.

By P.J.Ackers

(Note, these ideas are just thoughts written down - the theory as a whole was disproved to me within hours of it being written. It is presented here for you to read and maybe comment on - ENJOY!)

There is strong evidence for supermassive blackholes at the center of
galaxies , not just from the rotational dynamics of the galactic centers
but also from positron jets and radio lobes emanating from the galactic center .

These jets and lobes possibly resulting from ejection from an accretion disk around the
supermassive black hole . Also I believe a strong x-ray source is located at the galactic center .
All compelling evidence for a supermassive black hole of millions of solar masses residing
at galactic centers . As the universe evolves , the galactic matter gradually falls under the
influence of the supermassive black and gets drawn in . This continues until all the
galactic matter is contained within the inescapable confines of the black hole . Given time
, this process happens to all the galaxies leaving behind just a universe consisting of supermassive black holes and nothing else .

As time continues , the supermassive black holes eventually evaporate in a
huge explosion in accordance with the theories developed by Hawking and
These explosions are so immense that they may be called a BIG BANG !!!
Ergo a new universe is created from this evaporating singularity .
However , assuming all the supermassive blackholes do NOT coalesce then
this would lead to the rather disturbing prospect of BUBBLE UNIVERSES or
MULTIVERSES as each individual hole exploded .
A more acceptable idea would be for all the blackholes to coalesce into a
single ultra - supermassive blackhole . This explosion would be the origin of a
single new universe .
All the big bang theories should still hold true due to the nature of black
holes , including the inflationary era , C.B.R etc . This may also provide an
explanation for the wrinkles in the CBR as detected by COBE . The wrinkles may be
"Ghosts " from a previous manifestation of a universe - echo's from prior
galaxies and other large scale structure .

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