Nelson E. Trujillo - Aeromodelismo R/C |
Do you want to use Slick50/Restorer,etc. on your engine? Please read the following before do it I did the test(mistake) with my own car (Mazda Miata MX-5), I put some of it and I did notice some HP gain, after some time, the oil pressure dropped down after warmed the engine and those HPs left the stable. Now that I've read the article, I know what happened to my beautiful 16V DOHC aluminum engine, the oil filter is clogged and instead of getting more HP (initially I did), I lost more than I did gain. I changed to Synthetic oil (Mobil 1) only and the oil pressure is normal now and I got real horses now. I hope the wear due to that product don�t make me change my engine soon.
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