Earthquakes,and Planetary Physics
Planetary Fields Physics
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Earthquake Research.
Earth's main fault lines.
First the most likely cause of the Earth's fault lines.
This is when the Earth had only one Continent.
This large land mass to one side made the Earth's center of gravity off.
The core only had to be off by 20+ miles to lower the gravitaational levels to about 10% of today levels.
We can now see that at the time of just one continet the gravity was only about one tenth of todays gravity level on the Earth's coninetal side.
It was this low level of gravity that allowed Early people to build with such large stones.
About a thousond years later the Greeks started the Olympic games. They were trying to find the people that could build such buildings and run from one place to another as fast as the legends and myths had said.
In the diveding of the big continet I would say that a layer of sandstone was shattered and North America slide off the Grandbanks and the better half of Northeastern part of South America slid off North Africa leaving just a sandy desert wasteland there.
The core's impacts is what created Earth's bed rock crust to jet up as mountains. The Western American Indains along with the Mayans and the Tibetans all have legnds and myths of their people seeing this mountains rise up.
This event caused many earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt along with making many new volcanoes erupt, thus causeing many civilizations to be totally lost to history.
Centrifusal Force was the Big Divider.
Nature's work Etched in Stone.
The Topo sattellite picture below shows us the bed rock below the sand and mud and you can see imprinted or etched in the bed rock that the centrifugal force had slid North America way out to the area of the Hawaii Islands are now.
It is at this time the centrifugal was still balanceing out the continental weitht started North America back east and Hawaii islands broke off from Baja California and stayed behind as North America slid back to the East.
This is why we see a Mayan type Pyramid or Temple on Hawaii.
This is a Mayan reccord of the Comet event.
The above was last up dated on July 04, 2002.
This is Part Two.
Earthquake " PRECURSOR " detection.
The first earthquake detected by sattellite.
The forces on a faultline.
This is what causes the fluctuation in the gravitational field's strength.
This unit detects the Earthquake PRECURSOR that is the change of the gravitational field's strength
This is how the PRECURSOR detector should be placed.
This is an experimentation that monitors the variation levels of gravitational pull on a fault line. This is
the force that keeps the horizontal force of the Earth's rotoation on a fault line at check.
It is a change in this gravitational vertical force that allows that two plates slip, one under the other.
S.O.D.A.T.'s Scientific and Technical Round Table's angebda for 2002 is to exchange information with The United Nation's IDNDR Program on Disaster Prevention committee, and the Scientific World overall on Earthquake Precursors Detection. Thus giving us a warning system that can save lives.
Tracking Precursors on the Sept.20 1999 Taiwan earthquake.
In order to be able to track the precursors we have to zoom in 800% on Taiwan on each date starting with 09/11/99 ending with the day after the quake 09/21/99.
As you already know we are looking for a variation in the gravitational force. The dounward locking force on a fault line that when eased up will allow the westward force of the Earth's rotation force one plate under the other.
We at S.O.D.A.T. first found this back in 1997 when we was researching El Nino. There right in the middle of all this warm water was a smail cold spot that mroved all the way across the Pacific Ocean and when it moved over the Pacific rige ther was an earthquake. Then as it moved across the fault line just off shore at Peru there was an other earthquake.
We now know that the Earth's core rotates faster than the Earth's crust. We then looked to Einstein's work to understand that weak gravity wouldn't absorb light / heat as much as stronger gravity would. This lead us to think that the sorce of the Earth's gravity the core may be unlevel / it has peaks and valleys, thus a peak would force a denser level of gravitational fields up through the crest level, and a valley would force only weaker levels of gravitation fields up through the crust.
Earthquake Precursors for the Turkey , Taiwan , and now the Mexico Quakes.
The Taiwan Earthquake.
We us these NOAA Maps to find the precursors .
Precursor of 09/11/99.
09/11/99 The Taiwan area at 800%.
09/14/99 The Taiwan area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/14/99.
09/18/99 The Taiwan area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/18/99.
09/21/99 The Taiwan area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/21/99.
The Turkey Earthquake.
The Turkey area at 800%.
Precursor of 08/17/99.
The Turkey area at 800%.
Precursor of 08/21/99.
The Turkey area at 800%.
Precursor of 08/24/99.
The Turkey area at 800%.
Precursor of 08/28/99.
The Mexico Earthquake of 09/30/99.
Mexico area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/18/99.
Mexico area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/21/99.
Mexico area at 800%.
Precursor of 09/25/99.
Mexico area of 800%.
Precursor of 09/28/99.
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Visitors sence June, 24, 2002
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