Hi and welcome to my animation pages. The animation pages that I have created contain MANY animations that I have found while searching the interent. I am not trying to seem as if these animations were created by me. I am simply making the animation pages available to show the cool animations that are out there on the net. If there is a problem with any of the animations on my pages, please e-mail me and I will remove them as soon as I possibly can.
There are **112** animation pages with a total of **1603** animations. Please keep in mind that these are animation filled pages and may take some time to load...so please be patient. Animations are constantly being added to these pages so please bookmark this site and come back often! Thanks.
When viewing this site and taking animations, I ask that you please download the files to your computer. To do this, simply click on the animation you would like and choose "save as" and put the file where you want it on your computer. I use a Macintosh so there is only one button to push but I think on a PC, it is a right click on the animation you want.
Last Update: 08/13/01
Please choose which page you would like to visit by clicking on the name in the left frame.
Thanks and Enjoy!
Any questions, comments, compliments, complaints, suggestions? Please send me some e-mail or drop me a line in the good ole guestbook.
This is not a requirement but if you would like to place a link to my page from yours, PLEASE feel free to do so. By adding a link to this site, you can come here anytime without searching for this page through search engines (in case you want more or different animations) and also, people viewing your pages may need or want animations and may be able to find all of their animation needs here. You can use either a written link or a graphic link to link back to this site.
For the written link, please add the following code to your page:
I have made a few graphic links for this page. If you would like to use a graphic link, please choose the one you want and copy the code below. The code below is set up for the 1st graphic link, called anislink1.gif. If you want to use one of the other graphics, please change the name, anislink1.gif, to the one you want in the html code.:
The graphic links look like this:
Here are the awards that this site has won. I am very thankful for each and every one of them!
Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site.