I would like to remind everyone that President Reagan himself said "Washington DC has the strictest gun laws in the United States and NO LAW COULD BE PASSED THAT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED JOHN HINKLEY FROM SHOOTING ME AND MR. BRADY" The President said this on the news while recovering from the attack on his life. It's just hard for me to believe that the "gun control people" can even dream that the Government can pass laws to prevent this kind of thing from happening . IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP THESE NUTS FROM DOING THEIR TERRIBLE DEEDS AGAINST ANY HONEST LAW ABIDING PERSON ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME THEY DECIDE TO DO IT!!. Look at what happened in Japan a couple of weeks ago. A man attacked school children with a KNIFE and killed several and stabbed several others and JAPAN HAS SOME OF THE STRICTEST GUN LAWS IN THE WORLD!! ***************************************************************** Let's take two neighborhoods and let the people living in one of them ALL have firearms in their homes and in the other, take ALL the firearms away and put signs up for each and show which one has the firearms and which one does not have firearms and YOU DECIDE WHICH YOU WOULD FEEL SAFE LIVING IN. I think everybody had better listen to the Canadians and Australians. They know what they are talking about Jerry O Hemby |