Gen Info (text) page
The Columbus Georgia Amateur Radio Club
Clubhouse Location            Buena Vista Road Across from Arbys

Meeting Schedule
              Second Thursday of Every Month

Meeting time
                     7:30 pm

Practice Nets                       Every Wenesday Night at 8:30 pm

Net Frequency                     146.610 w/minus offset and pl tone 123
                                           146.720 will be the backup repeater until
                                           the 146.880 machine is usable again.

Testing Schedule                 Will be given on an as needed basis.
                                           Listen to weekly nets for time and
                                           Contact one of the club officers or
                                           Joe Owen, KO4RR when you are ready
                                           to test and Joe will let us know when he
                                           can schedule the tests.

Club Officers

President                          Glenn Brugh                      KF4CNT

Vice President
                  Jerry Hemby                     W1NRA

Evelyn Cotney                  KG4DYK

Vic Burns                         K4VIC

Activities Director             
Burch Cameron                W4WY

Testing Supervisor             
Joe Owens                       KO4RR

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