The Columbus Georgia
Amateur Radio Club

The club meets the second thursday of each month
at the clubhouse, unless otherwise announced,
which is located on Buena Vista Road, in
Columbus, Georgia. The location is just across
the road from Zaxby's.  It is also east of I-185.
This is towards Walmarts from the bypass.

Club meetings are scheduled for 7:30 pm
and lasts until club business is complete.

Members and visitors usually go somewhere to
eat and get together after the meetings and the
location of this get-together is decided at the end
of the meetings. Everyone is invited to join the group.

Weekly club Two Meter Net is held every Wednesday
at 9:00 pm and anyone licensed for the two meter
band is invited to check in and speak to all the listeners
who might also check into the net.
Net Frequency is 146.610, minus offset, pl tone is 123.
(The tone is usually taken off during nets)
This is the main club repeater and is also the place
for any emergency nets that may be held for any
serious situation or severe weather (Skywarn) in the
immediate area of Columbus Ga. / Phenix city Ala.

The repeater is located in Phenix City, Alabama,
about  6 miles west of the Ala, Ga. state line.
The location is just off of hwy 80. This repeater
has very good coverage around the area, so
you should be able to get into it with no problems.

Listen to the nets every week, for information about
any upcoming club activities and/or any emergency
information, that may be given to the members and
The Alabama - Georgia Amateur Radio Update, E newsletter

I own and edit this e-newsletter, related to Amateur
Radio, and if you would like to be placed on the
e-mail list to receive it, just send me a short
message, with your e-mail address, and I will place you on the list
for the next issue.

My email address is: 
Jerry Hemby


Click here for the club web site and
more information.