These are pictures from our road trip to Ohio during the July 4th weekend 2000. We went to Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, chilled for a few days then went to Cleveland and drove home. Thats about it. Enjoy the pictures.

The hotel where we stayed in Sandusky Sandusky had cool landscaping, this clock actually worked and the date was changed daily. More cool landscaping, the boy with the shoe is Sandusky's mascott or something.
Even more landscaping, Cedar Point sponsored this mound depicting their new 310ft rollercoaster. Oh yeah, we rode it ;-) When we saw this wierd factory name we had to take pictures, this is me Richard. Patrick displaying his pride in da nut corp.

Women at Cedar Point that wouldn't give us the time of day. A cool old car in Sandusky. The glorious Cleveland skyline.
Me in front of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Patrick rockin out. Cars hanging inside the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Very illegal, yet very poor picture of Janice Joplin's Porche. Home A submarine named the U.S.S. Cod outside of the Hall of Fame. (who named that one?)