Welcome To My Homepage!

Last updated: 1/11/2004
Wait for the background to load, its worth it.

My name is Dick, no one has ever read this so fuck off. I live in Raleigh, I work in a bar, and I'm trying to be some sort of engineer.

Some Graphics Provided by...

Here are some pictures from the BMW museum in Spartanburg, SC. BMW.

Here are the pictures from my Ohio road trip. Check them out here.
Maybe I'll get around to last years England pictures someday too ;-).

Give me your feedback here.

These are other pages I have made.

My first page: A company that specializes in micro PLC technology.- PC & Logic Systems

A local massage therapist's page.- Beneficial Bodywork

To e-mail the webmaster just

Click for Yadkinville, North Carolina Forecast

Click here to see a Welsh road sign.

Visit these schools
Surry Community College | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | North Carolina State University

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Since 10/08/99
