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Major Publications by S. J. Childs

  1. The Energetic Implications of the Time Discretisation in Implementations of the A.L.E. Equations; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (I.J.N.M.F.), 32 (8): 979-1019, 2000.

  2. Finite Element Simulation of a Rigid Body in a Fluid with Free Surface; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (C.M.A.M.E.), 175 (1-2): 99-120, 1999.

  3. The Energetic Implications of Using Deforming References to Simulate the Motion of Incompressible, Newtonian Fluids; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (C.M.A.M.E.), 180 (1-2): 219-238, 1999.

  4. Incipient Motion Criteria for a Rigid Sediment Grain on a Rigid Surface; ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE J.E.M.), 127 (1-2): 524-529, 2001.

  5. Forces on the Sea Bed using a Finite Element Solution of the Mild Slope Wave Equation.

  6. Some Wave-related, Heavy Mineral Placer Deposits.

  7. The Reason for the Efficiency of the Pian-Sumihara Basis.

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Created by Simon Childs