As the year, decade, century, and millennium draw to a close we have begun to remember the events that have shaped the past. From the Renaissance to the Reformation to the World Wars, numerous moments have highlighted the past 1000 years. The same goes for paleontology, a scientific field born in the later half of the millennium. Since the early days of Cuvier, Mantell, and Buckland numerous discoveries, events, and announcements have shaped the field of fossil research. It is hard to believe that less than 300 years ago everyone still believed that the earth was less than 4,000 years old and that life was something to take for granted. But, because of the ensuing discoveries of some of paleontology's early pioneers, our views of the earth, life, death, and the continuing process of change have been drastically altered. As the millennium draws to a close, it is time to honor these pioneers and their discoveries.
In order to pass down these honors, Dino Land and its website creator and scientist Steve Brusatte have decided to devote a section of this website to the greatest paleontology discoveries of the past 1000 years. But, as you all know, 1999 also marks the close of the year, decade, and century. Taking this in full stride, Dino Land has decided to close out all of these time periods with a site that honors the greatest paleo discoveries of not only the overly celebrated millennium, but the year, decade, and century as well! In order to pass down the honors of "greatest paleo event of the ___" Steve Brusatte has assembled an international panel of paleontologists, paleo writers, paleo artists, and paleo fans to help him decide what discoveries deserve recognition.
The panel includes 22 people (21 votes) from around the world, including:
Each member of the above panel received one vote in each category (year, decade, century, millennium). The paleo find that received the most votes in each category won the award as "paleo find of the ___". Each category also has several honorable mentions, which are finds that have received more than one vote from our panel. These honorable mentions are noted under the name of the winner, alongside the name of the panel member who voted for them.
Now that you understand the criteria, it is time to check out the honored winners as "paleo find of the year, decade, century, and millennium. Click on the below categories to learn how each panel member voted and what event won our award! The anticiptation is building.................
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