
Home Links Gordon Lightfoot

Hi! Welcome to my Amateur Astronomy homepage!

There are some great Astronomy links and some 'Blah, blah' of mine and I'll be adding more soon - more links, pictures, etc. and some more Gordon Lightfoot 'stuff' for those who enjoy the premiere Troubadour of our time!

Just to get started, here's a little about me and how I got into this wonderful 'hobby'.

I've been interested in astronomy since I was a little kid - many thanks to my parents. When I was about 9, I got a 3" reflector for Christmas. Was fun to see the moon and the optics weren't all that bad for a 'Christmas' scope.

While maintaining my interest over the years, it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I bought no fewer than TWO 'junk scopes'! Hey, the store was going out of business (no wonder!) and I paid about $100 for both. PLEASE, ANY NEW FOLKS, DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE!!! Well, they were enough to get me really interested in buying a GOOD 'scope -- so I guess they served some valuable purpose.

So... in November 1998, after devouring catalogs and searching web sites and lurking on the sci.astro.amateur newsgroup, I decided on my FIRST SCOPE:

an Orion SkyView Deluxe 6" Newtonian

And the rest is future history.

Well, that's all I have time for now -- gotta work to support my addiction!

Please visit again soon - I'm adding more all the time.

Thank you.

In the meantime, e-mail me, StarJunkie, with comments, suggestions, etc

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Updated! My Amateur Astronomy Links

Here are a couple of great Applets by Gary Nugent, the designer of the Dublin Night Sky Home Page, one showing the positions of Jupiter's moons in real time (click on Jupiter or any of the moons and you will be taken to a web site specifically about that object) and the other is a Lunar Phase applet showing the current phase of the moon and a calendar of upcoming phases. Be sure to visit his home page!

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Last Updated 28 June 2002 Visitors since 6/6/99:Counter