The ground video architecture involves satellites in orbit that relay the video signal to the ground station antennas. This allows for continuous video reception with the MMVS on earths end of the transmission system. The TDRSS satellite system is already existing and has been in operation for a number of years making it a proven and well understood system. This current system incorporates two-way communications in digital and analog. Due to the time delay effects the computers will be employed to extrapolate messages to maintain real time communication for as long as possible, due to the great distances. The following is the block diagram of the ground video architecture:
Block Diagram of Video Architecture
Component and Function List
TDRSS: The current satillite system in space that is used to relay signals to an earth ground station even when it is not in line of sight of the spacecraft.
Satellite Transmitters: To transmit the signal to the earth antenna's at the ground station.
Ground Based Antenna: To send and receive signals from the TDRSS system.
Signal Decoder and Encoder: To code or decode the signals to guard against outside disruptions in the mission command structure.
Computer Processing: To process a signal into a real time message and to interpret the telemetry from the craft.
Display System: Touch screens for easily response to enquires for information.
Video Cameras: To capture the video images for transfer.