The space segment shall have the ability to monitor the interior and exterior of the vehicle to ensure the safety of the astronauts and functionality of the equipment.
Video cameras mounted on the exterior surface are to be placed at a 120 degree angle and on a rotary base to be able to cover the whole outer area. They should be of very high resolution and have the ability to tilt to various angles and zoom. Lights are also utilized in conjunction with the cameras.
Cameras will be placed as follows:
3 cameras on the Mars Lander
1. One of which controls the landing on Mars, ensuring boosters engagement, extraction of the landing gear and landing maneuver for a soft touch down)
2. One monitors the lander detachment
3. One put in the middle
4 cameras to monitor the fuel tanks and the operation of the main engines and trusses.
4 cameras put on the inside of the vehicle
1. One in the docking bay
2. One in the storage area
3. One in the living quarters
4. One in the operating room
All the cameras are powered using a power bus. The video bus provides a digital link to the video distribution system, coordinating the images to various monitors inside the vehicle. A data bus shall be utilized to connect all the cameras, the receiving device, the video control unit, the recording device, and the monitors.