3.2 MMVS Ground Segment

         One very important aspect of the MMVS  system is the ground segment. A ground station is a necessity for storing and  testing completed components, coordinating design and construction phases, and  for ground control during the actual assembly and mission. As such, the ground  station for the MMVS mission has an extensive communications system, for data  transmission, as well as video and audio uplinks. The ground station also  includes infrastructure buildings to test and pre-assemble the MMVS modules  before launch to ensure a smooth integration in orbit, as well as facilities to  train the mission crew on these systems. Lastly, the ground control station is  vital to keep the mission status updated, to help the crew with any problems  encountered, and provide any data needed for mission completion, such as  navigational information. The ground system has functional requirements related  to those mentioned above, as detailed below. (see http://www.ilc-usn.kcc.ca/RYEADVS/finalreport/GroundSegment.htm  for more info)