1.2  Scope of Document

    The scope of this report is  to study the viability of a mission to Mars.  In this report, we see that a successful mission to Mars is possible with  the right amount of forethought and engineering.  It was learned that while the overall cost of the mission would be  expensive, the comparative cost of sending a person to Mars would be relatively  cheap and yield incomparable benefits for humanity.  In order for the mission to be cost-effective and safe for the  astronauts, three previous missions carrying various necessities and equipment  would have to be launched every two years from the inception of the program.  The MMVS would then be constructed in space and launched from LEO.  The MMVS will use tethers to simulate the effects of gravity and will  carry five passengers. The total  travel time will be approximately 5 months and will end with the MMVS  aerobraking around the atmosphere of Mars.  After the mission is complete, the crew will board the pre-fuelled ERV  and return to Earth.