Ryerson Polytechnic University1999/2000 Thesis Class ProjectManned Mission to MarsMANNED MARS VEHICLE SYSTEM (MMVS)FINAL REPORT
TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 MMVS Concept (Mission/Purpose and Functions, Space and Ground Segment Sketches) 1.2 Scope of Document2.0 MISSION PROFILE AND FUNCTIONS 2.1 MMVS Mission Profile 2.2 MMVS Functions (High Level Functions) 2.3 Orbital Analysis (Please Refer to Appendices & Supporting Calculations) 2.4 Propulsion System Analysis3.0 MMVS FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENTS 3.1 MMVS Space Segment 3.1.1 MMVS Space Segment Functional Analysis (FFBDs) 3.1.2 MMVS Space Segment Requirements (List Requirements) 3.1.3 MMVS Space Segment Configuration (Sketches) 3.1.4 MMVS Space Segment System Decomposition and Functional Allocation 3.2 MMVS Ground Segment 3.2.1 MMVS Ground Segment Functional Analysis (FFBDs) 3.2.2 MMVS Ground Segment Requirements (List Requirements) 3.2.3 MMVS Ground Segment Configuration (Sketches) 3.2.4 MMVS Ground Segment System Decomposition and Functional Allocation4.0 MMVS DESIGN 4.1 MMVS Space Segment Architectures/Design 4.1.1 Mechanical/Thermal Design 4.1.2 Power Architecture 4.1.3 Video Architecture 4.1.4 Data Management Architecture 4.2 MMVS Ground Segment Architecture/Design 4.2.1 Ground Segment Communication Architecture 4.2.2 Ground Segment Data Management Architecture 4.2.3 Ground Segment Video Architecture5.0 MMVS RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Mass Budget 5.2 Power 6.0 ENVIRONMENT, FAILURE TOLERANCE AND RELIABILITY 6.1 Transportation 6.2 Launcher Selection/Launch Sites 6.3 MMVS Failure Tolerance/Safety 6.4 MMVS Reliability/MaintainabilityLIST OF ACRONYMSAPPENDICES & SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS
Faculty Advisors: Dr. B. Brimley Dr. B. White