Welcome to my Homepage.

Here are some pictures of me :)

School pic - no joke Rock Out
Samurai what

My name is Mike Hudson and I live in a little town called (no kidding) Loveland, Ohio

if you should like to know more, then you can catch more of me at my senior pics page from (you'll never guess) senior year...

And finally, there's a link to it on this page.
If you were ever wondering how many concerts Mike's been to, here's the page!

Athens pics
karaoke night

The event of the century!
The great hair fiasco of 2004

if this really interests you (and I don't see at all why it should) then you can contact me in one of several ways

AOL Instant messenger: => MikeIntoJesus

ICQ: ===========> 17664259

Yahoo! Chat or Pager : ===> belgariontheking

or just email me here!

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