Welcome to the VRPL 3.0 page

The VRPL 3.0 (Visual RPL 3.0) is a tool for HP48 programs editing and compiling. This IDE is very friendly and eficient and will allow you to organize your projects in a better way and control any possible language error with it's integrated parcer.

We call prject a combination of code files, configs, reference files and preferences. In fact projects does n't contain the code files. These files are loaded in the IDE by reference, from where they were originaly created.

This strategy was adopted to allow projects to share code files and simplify the library development process.

To this IDE was integrated the property of exclude dead codes, unused codes, from project, ié, if your project contains many code files (as when we use libraries), functions that aren't in use are automatiquely removed from the final binary code. Usefull to reduce binary code size.

In this way, programmers will be free to create complete libraries that may be shared with many projects without the penalty to have to see them increaseng their size.

These and much more capabilities are present in this release of VRPL 3.0. Aniway it's greatest quality is to be very simple to use, to install (no need to restart system), and it's total compatibility with the 32 bits system windows 95.

You will be now free to load VRPL 3.0 to your computer. Just click the link below.

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Eng. Civil Andrew J.R. Cass

Load the IDE: VRPL 3.0