Jader 2K Beta Version | |
About Jader - The girl behind the website, her life and more...ya' she is normal Diary - Updated from a portable journal whenever possible [opens in new window] Networds - Unbelieveable terms... really undescribeable... brb gtgttbr... Songs -Some written by Jader or favorite singers. Poetry - The aesthetic girl behind all that heavy machinery and leather. Photo Album - Updated Pictures of Jader, Family and Friends Handwriting - Just a sample (no biggy) You don't really gotta go there... Home Sweet Home - How the darling teen lives her life Voice Mail - Find out how to get in contact with Jader Fashion - Clothes worn, designed or made by Jader Friends - Meet everyone in the TransVessels Clique Family - How does everyone look like? Scrapbook - Small Collection By Jader. Stories - Uncompleted Stories by Jader Contact Me - Jader loves to chat, so you will likely find her on the Pc 24-7 PISCES ROXXS! - Don't have to be a rocket Scientist to know that Jader is a borderline Pisces. Find out about this dilemma loVerZ 4 liFe.. Sorry Password protected. Don't you want to know what this is about? You gotta know scripts very well in order to hack this... Thoughts - Feelings and Tranquillity by the auspicious surroundings
Sign up for JaderMail - Haven't got an email account? Need to sign up for an extra one? get your_name@jaderworld.zzn.com (this opens in a new window) Jade News - Get when the site is updated eGroup - Join Jadersworld eGroup and be alerted whenever the site moves, or updated... (opens in new window) Slambook - Yup, It got weird questions and stuff but be nice and answer all 20 something.. (opens in new window) Add Links - Got a fab site that needs traffic? Steal Traffic from Jade 2K Beta v1.0 by adding your own link. (opens in new window) Comments - Comments. Questions, Suggestions. Message Forum - Jader checks on this alot.. Just ask anything... (opens in new window) Free Stuff - Jader knows lot's of links to tons of freebies. (new window) Web Design - Jade creates websites... Or do you want to make a donation to Jade 2K Beta v1.0 or have a page made customerily to your satisfaction... Dedication - To everyone who helped... list of credits Jade Only - Password protected Sista' Sites - You could also be a brotha. Vote for Me - Thinking about entering a few contests. I hope that people visiting will vote for me. Interview - The real person who portrays "Jade". Is she even real? Embarassing Stories - Jade recalls her embarassing stories and her pal's. Send in your embarassing stories and she will post them. schedule -Where to Catch the Chick? |