

Kelvin's L1011 Tristar Homepage


Thai Sky Airlines (TKY/9I) started her first flt to Hong Kong from 19/March/2005 from Bangkok.Using the ex-Delta L1011.A/C HS-AXA was ex- N722DA (msn 1147)

Welcome to Kelvin's L-1011 Tristar Homepage

Lockheed L-1011 Tristar is one of the great airliners in the world. The technological advances of the Tristar were leading in the aviation industry in 1970 and 80's.  The below deck galley ,the direct lift control,etc. are the great designs. Fewer and fewer L1011 are able to fly into the sky, but the legend will still go on.

So, let's enjoy the great airliners in the followings:

[ Somethings about Tristar ] [ Tristar at Kai Tak ] [ Tristar Photo Gallery ] [ Safety Cards ][ Tristar at New Hong Kong Airport ] [ Links ]

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Last Update : 25March2005