A Tour of Haifa (my fave spots, at least)
This is my favourite walk, from Promenade Louis, via the Baha'i temple and the hanging gardens to Ben-Gurion Avenue and the old town. It is being restored now, everything should be finished by early next year.
This is the entrance to the Baha'i temple.
This is just a small portion of the hanging gardens, and the beginning of BG Ave.
Here the photographer is standing in the middle of BG Ave (not recommended...)
This is the modern City and Haifa Bay, seen from the promenade.
This is Carmel Beach, where I live. Beer is cheap here, which explains the strange angle of the horizon...
The main meeting point on Carmel Beach promenade.....
... with my favourite haunt, and my table under the palm tree.
My little beach cottage! I live on the eighth floor, on the right. Please wipe your feet...
The harbour at night. Toot toot!!!
This is just outside town, in the Carmel Foothills. We've got wolves, vultures, jackals, wild boar (kosher of course!), deer and many other animals here.
And in case you're wondering, I didn't take these pics. They're from the Haifa Municipality server, but the archive is so large and the server so slooooooow that I decided to make my own selection.