Burt L. Crockett

Phoenix, AZ
Email: BurtCrockett@hotmail.com

A Microsoft Word version of my resume is available here.

Career Objective:

To be the Guru, taking knowledge from zenesque technical philosophers and idealologists whenever possible. I crave challenge and growth while continually pushing the boundaries of my knowledge to create new solutions. Challenge me.

Skills Summary:

Multi-platform programmer extraordinaire! Client-server and Internet integration with a big toolbox including C & C++ object oriented programming, MFC,COM, REXX, TCP-IP Sockets, COBOL, JCL, Korn Shell, HTML, XML, Javascript, CGI and SQL Server database integration, spanning across platforms such as MVS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows NT and 95, 98, Win2K, WinME, WinXP.

Work Experience:

April 2004

Currently engaged in Internet e-commerce software development nirvana.
May 2002 to April 2004

IS Project Manager for US Billing Systems, overseeing offshore contractors and performing analysis of legacy systems, system requirements, project specifications, and various technical writing tasks in support of life-cycle processes. Developed multi-platform client-server applications utilizing Visual Basic and TCP/IP Sockets to interact with COBOL CICS Transactions. Development and maintenance of numerous billing related batch and CICS online applications.
February 2000 to January 2002

MFC client-side development for the most fun and exciting browser available! I had the fun of stabilizing the browser by correcting reported bugs and crashes. Along the way I also enhanced the browser with neat features like a Download Manager, Favorites Channel Upgrade, and Proxy support. I revamped the Wise install program, and oddly enough, had to add uninstall considerations to it. I provided technical expertise utilizing C++ OOP, MFC, COM, XML, and JavaScript to exploit our core technologies. Supported life-cycle methodologies and documentation of processes. Quality Assurance testing and support. Sadly, NeoPlanet was a little too late for the dot com party, but we had a lot of fun until necessity demanded change. We quickly realigned into a more traditional, and more promising software company that leveraged the core competencies we had built for our browser and we made an impressive first sell, but alas, we ran out of time and money.
April 1998 to February 2000

Multi-platform client-server development on MVS, UNIX, and Windows platforms. Product Support for MVS Rochade server. Development of MVS Server and various Clients, utilizing C++ OOP, Pascal, Socket and RPC technologies to communicate with legacy systems and the Rochade repository. I was able to work on all facets of this project from designing specifications to eventually cutting OS/390 release cartridges for distribution. I even provided support for the product when our ace installation team visited various customer sites.
First Data Corporation
January 1998 to March 1998

Recruited to revamp client-server software on UNIX and MVS platforms. Korn Shell scripting, CORBA ORB programming and part-time system administration on HP-UX 9.X boxes. Oracle application development. A fun job until an untimely organization wide layoff occurred pruning all development from the Phoenix office.
MCI Telecommunications
April 1994 to December 1997

Since MCI should probably stand for Mass Changes Incessantly, below is a brief overview of some of the positions I have held during various reorganizations.

Enterprise systems Management - June 1996 to December 1997

Project Manager and Technical Lead for creating DocQuik, a REXX application that scanned JCL for Job Steps and compared them against JCL documentation. This product was then successfully integrated with ENDEVOR to ensure compliance with corporate documentation standards. Additionally, I developed ISPF panels and several COBOL applications utilizing VSAM and DB2 to aid in the support of this product. (Patent Pending). * Technical Lead for creation of Automated SLA Monitor, a 7x24 monitoring tool in which I implemented several started tasks on MVS to communicate with CA-7 and extract abended job alerts to relay this critical information via TCP/IP socket protocols to support personnel. Working with a great team I created an Informix database as a repository for gathered data on HP-UX 10.X boxes and built several Windows GUI and web based clients as part of an n-tier client-server design. (Patent Pending)** Project Manager for design and development of standardsMCI. A web enabled application utilizing SQL Server, Cold Fusion, Java, C++ OOP, and CGI programs to interact with clients over the Intranet for tracking Standards Change Requests and Exception Requests for Production JCL.

Production Operations - April 1994 to June 1996.

Cross Platform Services - Working with a great team, created a consolidated exception monitor which collected, combined and displayed CA-7 exception information from multiple datacenters on a PC through a GUI-friendly program as a part of monitorMCI (Patent Pending). *** Assisted in creating an Intranet web site used to track team productivity. Utilized HTML, Maps, CGI and VRML. **** Production Analysis - Reviewed JCL to ensure standards compliance. Created and maintained batch processing schedules in CA-7. Automated methods for checking and creating JCL documentation. Production Support - Jclprep product testing and vendor liaison for problem reporting. Automated manual conversion aspects of JCL as a part of Global Change Software team. Infrastructure Initiatives - ENDEVOR 3.7 processor creation. Conversion of corporate MCI's JCL to new processor groups. Incorporated Jclprep with ENDEVOR. ***** Acknowledgements: ***** Received Network All-Star #1 for my contributions integrating Jclprep with ENDEVOR. *** Received Network All-Star #2 for my contributions to the monitorMCI project. **** Received Network All-Star #3 for my contributions to the Launch to Light Speed web page. ** Received Network All-Star #4 for my contributions to the Automated SLA Monitor project. * Received Network All-Star #5 for Creating DocQuik and integrating it with ENDEVOR.
Emergency Essentials Inc.
January 1992 to October 1993
System Administrator - Installed a Novell 3.11 network on a 486 file server and connected workstations. Granted user rights, resolved hardware and software conflicts, routine back-up of important information. Programmer - Produced a variety of programs including multi- user database programs dealing with subjects such as Order Entry, Accounting, Inventory tracking and Mailing Labels, utilizing graphical interfaces to aid end-users. Support - Interacted with end users in order to guarantee their satisfaction.


Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
B.S. in Computer Science, December 1993
A great CS curriculum which pushed me to: Create a 32 bit multi-tasking operating system Build a Pascal-like compiler Write a B-Tree indexed file system Make a 3D graphical CAD program Perform image processing through computer vision Construct a Z-80 computer on a breadboard

References and Technical Gobbledygook available upon request.

Will code for food!

Comments? Email me at burtcrockett@hotmail.com.

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