Home page of Alexander P. Zhuravel
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Burn: 11 November, 1953
Kharkov, Ukraine
SURNAME : Zhuravel
: Alexander Peter
Education (degrees, dates, universities)

Ph.D., 1990, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and

M.S., 1977, National Aerospace University
Kharkov Aviation Institute

/Employment (employers, positions and dates)

B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Researcher
Scientist, from July 1994 to present

B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Research Associate,
from May 1991 to July 1994

Department of superconducting and
mesoscopic structures

B. Verkin Institute
for Low Temperature
Physics & Engineering
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Official address:

47 Lenin Avenue
61103 Kharkov

: +380-(572)-308507
: +380-(572)-322370
The main objective of my research activity is to develop a non-destructive-evaluation (NDE) laser probing method
(Low-Temperature Laser Scanning
Microscopy - LTLSM)
for in situ spatially-resolved characterization of superconducting (SC) devices, which are currently under development or proposed
for the novel high-frequency electronics. These devices are potentially capable to surpass their semi-conductor and normal (non-SC) metal counterparts
and to replace them in microelectronics of the future  However, despite their prospected excellent performance, a number of specific problems (of both
fundamental and technological origin) remain unsolved for SC devices. Under varied external conditions their integral (averaged) characteristics are
strongly dependent on microscopically distributed inhomogeneities of SC parameters and local defects. The investigation of each of these properties at
high frequencies is important for finding the limiting characteristics of such SC devices.
Dr. Alexander P. Zhuravel