What manner of men are they, who have gone before thee?..."

tcman4ever - 08/01/00 01:50:02


- 05/06/00 21:38:01

Good job! You rule! Chris

Randy Tayler - 03/31/00 20:40:49
My URL:http://www.tayler.com/randy

Jaime, you are, in a word, "Da Bomb." ...ok, so that's two words. Well, one word and one grunty kinda syllable thing. But you rock! Any girl that can even PRONOUNCE "aerospace" is high on my list, so I think you're right there at the top.

Aunt Carol - 03/31/00 20:19:59

Hi Jaime!!! How are you?

bLendErhEaD - 03/31/00 18:09:20

Well, what do ya know. My B-Day is Sept. 29, yours is Feb 2, check out the love meter in your fun and games section :-)

Mattchew - 03/31/00 10:37:19
My URL:http://Iamwhacked.com

This site is just the most impressive site I have sighted in a long shot. Theres shingles in my roof and I sure do supply them singly if sometimes people would just sing a little more or sue a little less? Do you sublet? Or should I subvert an subtle subt tle to my subtlties? seeing screwy things, Love ya - Mattchew

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