Neverwinter Nights

The pages within this site are dedicated to the game and the family of players of Neverwinter Nights. NWN is gone from America Online, and to my knowledge, has not been re-established on any other service.
This unofficial NWN Web Site was originally on the ITB server at GNFWeb. I do not know why or exactly when the site was taken down from there, but since it no longer exists, I wanted to give NWN a home. As a former member of Lord Nasher's Guard, I felt I had something of an artistic license to do so. So here it is.

Site Credits

  • The above map was given to me by GG Ripper.
  • Various graphics used herein came from the April, 1997 Guild of Heroes (GOH) contest. Sadly, I don't have the names of the entrants, as their names were withheld for purposes of anonymity when judging the monthly contest. You can see the complete 4/97 GOH entries here.
  • Animated graphic images were created by yours truly. I included them here to let those not lucky enough to have played the game to see what it was like to combat monsters, even two-legged ones, and to reminisce a little for those of us that did play the game.
  • In July, 1997 NW Ember contacted me and asked if I would help put the unofficial NWN Web sight together. NWA Sabre did a great deal of work on the text, either by typing it herself, or recruiting others to assist. I formatted most of the pages, and created the animated graphics. Some of those that assisted placed their names in the "AUTHOR" section of the HTML source code. I wish I had the name of everyone that had a hand in the original creation, but I don't.
  • If you don't already have a font on your PC named "celtic", or if your version of the Celtic Font is difficult to read, try downloading this version. I don't remember where I found it, but it *was* freeware. Click here to download.

Neverwinter Nights Home

Since 2/21/99

1999, NW Exeter