Joseph Cartee & Wife; Edmund Waller Henderson, Wives, Home & John Clifton Henderson Family
"Grandpap Cartee & his wife" probably Sarah Caroline Lamb Mayes & Joseph Cartee; parents of Janie Cartee, 1st wife of Edmund Waller Henderson. JUMP LINK TO FURTHER CARTEE DESCENDANTS & PICTURES! Also please use the link below to the next page.
Janie Cartee, 1st wife (mother of all the children) & Edmund Waller Henderson.
Edmund Waller Henderson home, next home of John Clifton Henderson (youngest child) & family, near Beulah Baptist Church; see half-view on porch of "Grandma Evaline", from top left children: Roena, Archie (MEH's father), Winona & Frances, lower right.
Edmund Waller Henderson & 2nd wife, Evaline Elizabeth Ellis Doigg k/a "Grandma Evaline" at home near Beulah Baptist Church, Snoddy, Greene County, Alabama.
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