There were three Henderson brothers who originally came to Greene County in early 1800s from South Carolina, they were David Henderson, William Franklin Henderson and a third brother (name was forgotten) who moved on from Greene County. Lifetimes were: David 1806-1895 and William Franklin 1811-1890 who was buried with his wife, Agnes Roebuck Stephens Henderson, in Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery at Ralph, Alabama just beyond the northeast indented corner of Greene County off Highway 11 in Tuscaloosa County. William Franklin and David both married in Greene County in November and December, 1835. David married Bina or Vianna (or Levina) Nix. William Franklin Henderson (1811-1890) and wife beget many Greene County descendants.
The brother with forgotten name is believed to be Samuel Henderson (born about 1803 probably) who obtained a Greene County land patent September 1824 and married Sidney Maho Head in Greene County in 1838 and is later found in Chickasaw County, Mississippi in 1844 with tax return there, on 1845 tax and land rolls, 1848 personal roll and land, others 1849, 1851, 1852 and is listed in the Chickasaw County, Miss. 1850 Census with wife and children, with Samuel and wife born in South Carolina. Their children were Martha born in Alabama, Mary C. born in Miss., David and William (twins?) born 1847 and Samuel 1849 in Miss. Notice the twins(?) were apparently named after their uncles, the other two original brothers. Clarification: original brother, Samuel Henderson born about 1803, is not Samuel N. Henderson (1846-1925; Confederate Soldier) and not Samuel Taylor Henderson (1848-1925); the latter two are a son each of David and William Henderson, respectively. Notice that Samuel is a strong Henderson family name.
David Henderson (1806-1895) family is in 1830 and 1840 Greene County, Alabama Censuses as Head of Family without other names, with William Franklin Henderson apparently listed w/o name and not listed with David in 1840 as having married 1835 and probably moved out of David’s home. In the 1830 Census there is listed an elderly woman in the 50-60 age column and in the 60-70 age column 1840 Census , without further information about her. Could she be the mother of the three brothers and where is she buried? Also listed is a female in the 1830 Census 10-15 age column, could this be a sister and the Cynthia Henderson that married Griffin Cockrell in 1835 in Greene County?
In SNEDECOR’S 1855/56 Directory of Greene County, Alabama, by V. Gayle Snedecor, page 21, there is set forth: "Henderson David, planter, Knoxville, 34, 24, 3e; Henderson Wm, planter, Knoxville, 4, 23, 3e" where they resided; David Henderson 1839 and William Henderson 1856. It appears these tracts of land were 80 acres each. The Wm. H. 1856 tract was immediately east of Highway 11 just north of Knoxville in Greene County and the David H. 1839 tract is a little more north of Knoxville and a little more east off Highway 11 on Road no. 67/55, that land is split between Greene and Tuscaloosa Counties. Abner Phillips (mother Sallie E. Henderson) is belived to own and live currently on this road and property. There is an earlier 80 acres tract of land (5,23,1E) 1832/33 in William Henderson name (Old Tuskaloosa Land Office Records & Military Warrants 1821-1855, Marilyn Davis Barefield) in Greene County south of Lewiston couple of miles and just west of Road 23/181. Could this be the original land owned by William or David Henderson prior to their land at Knoxville, Alabama in 1839/David and 1856/William?
David Henderson must have moved to Mississippi between 1866-1870 after the War Between the States, as he and family are listed in the 1860 Greene County Census and the unusual Alabama 1866 Greene County Census listing W. Henderson and D. Henderson therein. David had four sons that served in Alabama Regiments in the W.B.T.S., then appears in the 1870 Chickasaw County Census and the 1880 Clay County Census, both in Miss. Chickasaw and Clay Counties are adjacent to each other (north/south) in Miss. One possible reason for the move and Miss. location is that the other original brother, Samuel Henderson, was in Chickasaw County, Miss. with 1844-1852 records there and probably thereafter.
With two of the original brothers, Samuel Henderson and David Henderson, in Mississippi, having left Greene County, Alabama, the Henderson descendants in Greene County are the offspring of William Franklin Henderson and wife, Agnes Roebuck Stephens Henderson.
Sources: Waller Henderson, Dorcas Henderson/Lake Havasu City, Arizona, Ruth H. Brown/Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Milton Eugene Henderson.