Descendants of Benjamin W. Stephens & daughter, Lydia Meriah Stephens
Generation No. 1 to compiler's knowledge
1. Benjamin W.1 Stephens JUMP TO BENJAMIN W. STEPHENS LAND SALE/PATENT! was born 1797 in Virginia, and died February 12, 1855. He married Margaret O. ? Stephens.
Children of Benjamin Stephens and Margaret Stephens are:
2 i. Richard [Confederate Soldier/Civil War]2 Stephens, born 1830.
3 ii. Dorothy? Stephens, born 1832.
+ 4 iii. Lydia Meriah Stephens, born February 19, 1834; died October 02, 1912 bur Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery; Ralph, Ala.
5 iv. Benjamin (B.W.) [Confed/Civil War] Stephens, Jr?, born 1837. He married Nancy E. May February 10, 1859.
Generation No. 2
4. Lydia Meriah2 Stephens JUMP TO STEPHENS FAMILY INFO & PICTURES! (Benjamin W.1) was born February 19, 1834, and died October 02, 1912 bur Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery; Ralph, Ala.
Children of Lydia Meriah Stephens are:
+ 6 i. James "Ben" Benjamin3 Stephens, born March 24, 1858; died February 28, 1925 bur Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Ralph, Ala.
+ 7 ii. Frederick "Fred"/"Coot" Stephens, died January 16, 1925.
Generation No. 3
6. James "Ben" Benjamin3 Stephens (Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born March 24, 1858, and died February 28, 1925 in bur Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Ralph, Ala. He married Josephine "Jo" Drummond July 22, 1880, daughter of David Drummond and Mary Mayes.
More About James "Ben" Benjamin Stephens: Brothers married sisters.
More About Josephine "Jo" Drummond: Sisters married brothers.
Children of James Stephens and Josephine Drummond are:
8 i. Hobson4 Stephens.
+ 9 ii. Dave Stephens.
10 iii. Will Stephens.
+ 11 iv. Lydia Ann Stephens, born May 10, 1887 in Snoddy, Ala; died July 14, 1941 in Clinton, Ala; buried Beulah Baptist Ch Cem.
12 v. Vicie Stephens.
13 vi. Hefter "Hess" Stephens.
14 vii. Howard Stephens.
+ 15 viii. Gertrude "Gertie" Stephens.
7. Frederick "Fred"/"Coot"3 Stephens (Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) died January 16, 1925. He married Louisa "Lou" E. Drummond February 05, 1879, daughter of David Drummond and Mary Mayes.
More About Frederick "Fred"/"Coot" Stephens: Brothers married sisters.
More About Louisa "Lou" E. Drummond: Sisters married brothers.
Children of Frederick Stephens and Louisa Drummond are:
16 i. Hose4 Stephens. He married Della Crocker.
17 ii. Pliestis Stephens.
18 iii. Neva Stephens.
19 iv. Net Stephens.
20 v. Wood Stephens.
21 vi. Fred Stephens.
22 vii. Less Stephens.
23 viii. Wilbert Stephens.
24 ix. Jeff Stephens.
Generation No. 4
9. Dave4 Stephens (James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1).
Child of Dave Stephens is:
25 i. Veronica5 Stephens. She married ? Whittle.
11. Lydia Ann4 Stephens (James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born May 10, 1887 in Snoddy, Ala, and died July 14, 1941 in Clinton, Ala; buried Beulah Baptist Ch Cem. She married John Clifton Henderson January 16, 1907 in Beuleh Baptist Church; Snoddy, Ala, son of Edmund Henderson and Elizabeth Cartee.
Children of Lydia Stephens and John Henderson are:
+ 26 i. Eugene Archie "EA"5 Henderson, born December 17, 1907 in Snoddy (near Knoxville), Ala; died April 02, 1974 in Franklin, Tenn; bur Williamson Memorial Gardens.
+ 27 ii. Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena" Henderson, born August 05, 1909 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala; died December 03, 1997 in Birmingham, Ala; Funeral/Huntsville; bur Nashville, Tenn, Woodlawn Cem.
28 iii. Twin girl [unnamed] Henderson, born June 07, 1911 in Greene Co, Ala; died June 27, 1911 in Snoddy, Ala; bur Beuleh Bapt Church Cem.
29 iv. Twin girl [unnamed] Henderson, born June 07, 1911 in Greene Co, Ala; died July 28, 1911 in Snoddy, Ala; bur Beulah Bapt Church Cem.
+ 30 v. Frances Evaline "Aunt Frances" Henderson, born May 28, 1912 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala; died January 15, 1987 in Aliceville, Ala Hosp; bur Mesopotamia Cem.
+ 31 vi. James Waller "Uncle Waller" Henderson, born October 28, 1914 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala.
32 vii. Essie Winona "Aunt Winona" Henderson, born October 27, 1917 in Greene Co, Ala. She married Charles Cornelius Franklin April 30, 1937 in Clinton Baptist Church; Clinton, Ala.
+ 33 viii. Helen Doris "Aunt Doris" Henderson, born October 30, 1923 in Greene Co, Ala..
+ 34 ix. Anna Blanche "Aunt Blanche" Henderson, born March 27, 1929 in Clinton (at home), Ala.
15. Gertrude "Gertie"4 Stephens (James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1). She married Samuel Clarence "Dick" Henderson, son of Samuel Henderson and Sarah Edwards.
Children of Gertrude Stephens and Samuel Henderson are:
35 i. Albert5 Henderson.
36 ii. Nannie Henderson. She married Crosley.
37 iii. Josie Henderson. She married Huckbae.
38 iv. Pauline Henderson. She married Mitchell.
39 v. Clarence Henderson.
40 vi. Floyd Hamner Henderson, born May 30, 1914 in-correct DOB.
More About Floyd Hamner Henderson: Floyd lives Birmingham, Ala. & is 1 year older than Birth Certificate.
41 vii. Curtis Henderson.
42 viii. Samuel Henderson.
43 ix. Clifton Henderson.
Generation No. 5
26. Eugene Archie "EA"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born December 17, 1907 in Snoddy (near Knoxville), Ala, and died April 02, 1974 in Franklin, Tenn; bur Williamson Memorial Gardens. He married (1) Elizabeth King Scarbrough May 11, 1930 in Clinton Baptist Church; Clinton, Ala. He married (2) Elizabeth Bardwell Montgomery October 02, 1937 in Tuscaloosa, Ala, daughter of Roy Montgomery and Ella Fridelle.
Child of Eugene Henderson and Elizabeth Scarbrough is:
+ 44 i. Carolyn Elizabeth6 Henderson, born January 02, 1932.
Children of Eugene Henderson and Elizabeth Montgomery are:
+ 45 i. Milton Eugene6 Henderson, J.D., born February 03, 1939 in (old) Druid City Hosp; Tuscaloosa, Ala..
+ 46 ii. Ann Ella [Capt. U.S.A.F. Nurse Corps] Henderson, born March 04, 1942.
27. Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born August 05, 1909 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala, and died December 03, 1997 in Birmingham, Ala; Funeral/Huntsville; bur Nashville, Tenn, Woodlawn Cem. She married (1) John William Colson September 19, 1929 in Greene Co., Ala, son of ? Colson and Maiden Winston. She married (2) Frank Lee Grisham November 23, 1960 in Nashville, Tenn.
Children of Nellie Henderson and John Colson are:
+ 47 i. Dorothy "Dot" Nell6 Colson, born September 05, 1930 in Eutaw (Greene Co), Ala.
+ 48 ii. John Richard Colson, born April 19, 1941 in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
30. Frances Evaline "Aunt Frances"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born May 28, 1912 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala, and died January 15, 1987 in Aliceville, Ala Hosp; bur Mesopotamia Cem. She married Marvin Lindsey Porter September 18, 1932 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala, son of Jesse Porter and Susan Drummond.
Child of Frances Henderson and Marvin Porter is:
+ 49 i. Marvin "Ray" Raymond6 Porter, born July 20, 1933 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala; died June 17, 1960 in Car accident Clinton/Eutaw, Ala; bur Mesopotamia Cem.
31. James Waller "Uncle Waller"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born October 28, 1914 in Snoddy (Greene Co), Ala. He married Lilly Inez "Aunt Inez" Shrauger June 24, 1941 in Mobile, Ala.
Notes for James Waller "Uncle Waller" Henderson: Uncle Waller has said that birth date of his son John Waller Henderson, August 17, 1947, that August 17th always was a happy day because birthday of John, but sad day also because his father, John Clifton Henderson, (the Grandfather of the writer M.E.H.), died August 17, 1941. Thus August 17th was/is a happy and sad day for Uncle Waller!
Children of James Henderson and Lilly Shrauger are:
+ 50 i. Margaret Ann6 Henderson, born June 09, 1942 in Birmingham, Ala.
+ 51 ii. Betsy Jane Henderson, born April 27, 1945 in Birmingham, Ala.
+ 52 iii. John Waller Henderson, born August 17, 1947 in Birmingham, Ala.
53 iv. Susan Inez Henderson, born January 01, 1953 in Birmingham, Ala. She married James "Jim" Duane Schroeder December 01, 1984.
33. Helen Doris "Aunt Doris"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born October 30, 1923 in Greene Co, Ala.. She married Gaines [Lt. Col. Ret. U.S.A.F] Smith Leavelle December 24, 1943 in Univ/Tenn Aviation Cadet; Knoxville, Tenn, son of ? Leavelle and ? Lavender.
Children of Helen Henderson and Gaines Leavelle are:
54 i. James "Jimmy" Clifton6 Leavelle, born May 17, 1947 in Vienna, Austria.
55 ii. Jan Marie Leavelle, born December 02, 1955 in Little Rock, Ark. She married Don Arthur Dodge, Jr March 24, 1991 in Wife's parents home; Austin, Tex.
34. Anna Blanche "Aunt Blanche"5 Henderson (Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born March 27, 1929 in Clinton (at home), Ala. She married William "Bill" Rex Wagoner August 05, 1949 in Livingston (Sumter Co), Ala.
Child of Anna Henderson and William Wagoner is:
+ 56 i. Waller "Wally" Jadie6 Wagoner, born March 31, 1957 in St. Petersburg, Fla;
Generation No. 6
44. Carolyn Elizabeth6 Henderson (Eugene Archie "EA"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born January 02, 1932. She married Porter Rogers Temple August 19, 1950 in Harpeth Heights Bapt Ch; Nashville, Tenn.
Children of Carolyn Henderson and Porter Temple are:
57 i. William "Bill" Henderson7 Temple, born August 23, 1953 in Baptist Hospital; Nashville, Tenn. He married Cecelia Wells February 22, 1976 in Calvary Baptist Church; Jackson, Tenn.
58 ii. Karen Elizabeth Temple, born April 06, 1956 in Baptist Hospital; Nashville, Tenn.
59 iii. Lisa Gayle Temple, born September 10, 1962 in Methodist Hospital; Memphis, Tenn.
45. Milton Eugene6 Henderson, J.D. (Eugene Archie "EA"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born February 03, 1939 in (old) Druid City Hosp; Tuscaloosa, Ala.. He married (1) Suzanne Alaine Lancaster September 14, 1963 in Christ The King Church; Nashville, Tenn. Then married (2) Nellie "Nell" Ann Boyce Couch Henderson December 23, 1995 in Burton Hills Clubhouse/Green Hills, Nashville, Tenn.
Children of Milton Henderson and Suzanne Lancaster are:
+ 60 i. Milton "Gene" Eugene7 Henderson, Jr., born September 22, 1964 in Titusville, Fla.
+ 61 ii. Charles "Monty" Montgomery Henderson, born September 02, 1965 in Titusville, Fla.
62 iii. Sharon Suzanne Henderson, born November 14, 1968 in Nashville, Tenn.
More About Sharon Suzanne Henderson: Wonderful daughter! Attended Middle Tenn. State University in Mufreesboro, Tenn.
Children of Milton Henderson and Nellie Henderson are:
63 i. Mary Margaret "Meg"7 Couch, born December 08, 1966 in St. Thomas Hosp; Nashville, Tenn.
More About Mary Margaret "Meg" Couch: Milton's stepdaughter.
64 ii. John Calloway "Cal" Couch, Jr, born September 26, 1969 in Baptist Hosp; Nashville, Tenn.
More About John Calloway "Cal" Couch, Jr: Milton's stepson.
65 iii. Adam Phelan Couch, born September 23, 1972 in Univ/Tenn Hosp; Knoxville, Tenn. He married Katherine "Katye" Maria Adams March 20, 1999 in Pavilion at Horn's Creek Cabins near Benton (Polk Co), Tenn.
More About Adam Phelan Couch: Milton's stepson.
46. Ann Ella [Capt. U.S.A.F. Nurse Corps]6 Henderson (Eugene Archie "EA"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born March 04, 1942. She married George Arthur [Capt. U.S.A.F.] Collier June 05, 1968 in Wife's parents home; Franklin, Tenn.
Children of Ann Henderson and George Collier are:
66 i. Lesli Ann7 Collier, born January 30, 1972 in (new) Alex. Hospital; Alexandria (Fairfax Co),Vir. She married Darin Andrew Louck September 03, 1994 in St. Philip's Meth Ch; Garland, Texas.
67 ii. Grant Arthur Collier, born October 30, 1977 in Presbyterian Hosp; Dallas (& Co), Tex.
47. Dorothy "Dot" Nell6 Colson (Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born September 05, 1930 in Eutaw (Greene Co), Ala. She married James Edward Griggs, Jr May 11, 1951 in Nashville, Tenn.
Children of Dorothy Colson and James Griggs are:
68 i. John Mark7 Griggs, born February 04, 1959;
+ 69 ii. Sheryl "Sherri" Lee Griggs, born May 06, 1961 in Nashville, Tenn.
48. John Richard6 Colson (Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born April 19, 1941 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. He married Shirley Patricia "Patsy" Smith November 17, 1963 in Birmingham, Ala.
Children of John Colson and Shirley Smith are:
+ 70 i. William "Bill" Anthony7 Colson, born April 13, 1967.
71 ii. John Walter Colson, born April 25, 1974.
49. Marvin "Ray" Raymond6 Porter (Frances Evaline "Aunt Frances"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born July 20, 1933 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala, and died June 17, 1960 in Car accident Clinton/Eutaw, Ala; bur Mesopotamia Cem. He married Margie Caples October 06, 1956 in Macon, Ga..
Children of Marvin Porter and Margie Caples are:
+ 72 i. Thomas "Tommy" Paul7 Porter, born September 30, 1955 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala; Adopted child.
73 ii. Raymond Lindsey Porter, born August 15, 1957 in Clinton, Ala. He married Angela "Angie" Lurline Johnston October 23, 1981 in United Meth Ch; Eutaw, Ala.
74 iii. Richard "Ricky" Clyde Porter, born December 29, 1959; died September 26, 1978 in Auto accident; bur Greensboro, Ala.
50. Margaret Ann6 Henderson (James Waller "Uncle Waller"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born June 09, 1942 in Birmingham, Ala. She married Joe Neil McKeever, Sr April 13, 1962 in West End Bapt Ch; Birmingham, Ala.
Children of Margaret Henderson and Joe McKeever are:
75 i. Joe Neil7 McKeever, Jr, born February 06, 1963.
76 ii. John Marshall McKeever, born May 27, 1966 in New Orleans, La.. He married Temisho Haynes Bynum July 29, 1989 in First Bapt Ch; Charlotte, N.C..
+ 77 iii. Carla Jinoke McKeever, born February 09, 1969 in Seoul, South Korea;
51. Betsy Jane6 Henderson (James Waller "Uncle Waller"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born April 27, 1945 in Birmingham, Ala. She married John Ollie Tate, Jr June 05, 1964 in West End Bapt Ch; Birmingham, Ala.
Children of Betsy Henderson and John Tate are:
78 i. Jon Austin7 Tate, born October 05, 1967 in Houston, Tex.
More About Jon Austin Tate: 1991, Grad. Univ/Southern Ala.
79 ii. Jamey Christopher Tate, born October 28, 1968 in Gary, Ind..
52. John Waller6 Henderson (James Waller "Uncle Waller"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born August 17, 1947 in Birmingham, Ala. He married Mary Sue McCleary.
Child of John Henderson and Mary McCleary is:
80 i. John Alick7 Henderson, born November 18, 1975 in Birmingham, Ala.
56. Waller "Wally" Jadie6 Wagoner (Anna Blanche "Aunt Blanche"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born March 31, 1957 in St. Petersburg, Fla. He married Julia "Julie" Ann Dohm February 08, 1986 in St. Joseph's Catholic Church; Winter Haven, Fla.
More About Julia "Julie" Ann Dohm:
Children of Waller Wagoner and Julia Dohm are:
81 i. Philip Bryant7 Wagoner, born September 09, 1988.
82 ii. Abbey Huett Wagoner, born March 20, 1998 in Seoul, South Korea;
Generation No. 7
60. Milton "Gene" Eugene7 Henderson, Jr. (Milton Eugene6, Eugene Archie "EA"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born September 22, 1964 in Titusville, Fla. He married Kristine Lemoyne Mathis March 03, 1990 in St. Edward Catholic Church; Nashville, Tenn..
More About Milton "Gene" Eugene Henderson, Jr.: Master of Science Degree, University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., with work/study at U.T.S.I.
More About Kristine Lemoyne Mathis: Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in Cookeville, Tenn., Tennessee Technological University.
Child of Milton Henderson and Kristine Mathis is:
83 i. Chase Waller8 Henderson, born May 21, 1997 in Huntsville, Ala..
More About Chase Waller Henderson: Partially named after Gt.Gt.Gt.Grandfather Edmund Waller Henderson, Confederate Soldier!
61. Charles "Monty" Montgomery7 Henderson (Milton Eugene6, Eugene Archie "EA"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born September 02, 1965 in Titusville, Fla. He married Susan Virginia Wilson September 30, 1983 in Cookeville, Tenn.
More About Charles "Monty" Montgomery Henderson: Graduated Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tenn. with Physical Therapy major. Monty is custodial parent of his daughter & is raising dear Ashley.
Child of Charles Henderson and Susan Wilson is:
84 i. Ashley Michelle8 Henderson, born February 22, 1984 in Nashville, Tenn; Southern Hills Hospital.
More About Ashley Michelle Henderson: Milton's favorite & wonderful granddaughter!
69. Sheryl "Sherri" Lee7 Griggs (Dorothy "Dot" Nell6 Colson, Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born May 06, 1961 in Nashville, Tenn. She married Gregory Thomas Schmidt April 08, 1989 in Nashville, Tenn.
Children of Sheryl Griggs and Gregory Schmidt are:
85 i. Michael Thomas8 Schmidt, born February 22, 1990 in Nashville, Tenn.
86 ii. Megan Kellie Schmidt, born May 01, 1994 in Nashville, Tenn.
70. William "Bill" Anthony7 Colson (John Richard6, Nellie Roena "Aunt Roena"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born April 13, 1967. He married Sharon Lisette Daniel December 14, 1991 in New Market, Ala.
Child of William Colson and Sharon Daniel is:
87 i. Katelyn Elizabeth8 Colson, born March 22, 1994.
72. Thomas "Tommy" Paul7 Porter (Marvin "Ray" Raymond6, Frances Evaline "Aunt Frances"5 Henderson, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born September 30, 1955 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala. He married Tammy Denise Thomas May 27, 1978 in Clinton Bapt Ch; Clinton, Ala.
Children of Thomas Porter and Tammy Thomas are:
88 i. Tiffany Denise8 Porter, born September 16, 1984 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala.
89 ii. Tari Marie Porter, born May 26, 1986 in Clinton (Greene Co), Ala.
77. Carla Jinoke7 McKeever (Margaret Ann6 Henderson, James Waller "Uncle Waller"5, Lydia Ann4 Stephens, James "Ben" Benjamin3, Lydia Meriah2, Benjamin W.1) was born February 09, 1969 in Seoul, South Korea. She married Franklin Earnest Peters April 26, 1989 in Murfreesboro, N.C.
Children of Carla McKeever and Franklin Peters are:
90 i. Leah Carla8 Peters, born October 25, 1989 in Chapel Hill, N.C.
91 ii. Jessica May Peters, born April 01, 1991.