Car pics

Um, got my car mid Febuary. It's a 1996 Chev Cavalier 4 door red (as u should be able to tell) automatic, with the 2.4 L DOHC, (to all gurls reading this, it's the good gass guzzler engine). It now has just over 117,000km's on it, oh and haha...i got another ticket in July...that was for 130 in a 80, but dropped it to 120 in an i only got 4 points for that...and $300,now i have 10 points, leaving me with 2 or 3 b4 MTO interview...which i hope never happens...ah yes, and i also found out my car tops out at 175km/h, a couple sunday nites ago, and my last bit of useless info, i think my tranny is thanks to me i'm sure---- ttya'll later...Sean

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