Terra / EOS AM-1 High Gain Antenna
Deployment Sequence

These drawings show the deployment sequence for the Terra high gain antenna (HGA).
The array was deployed shortly after launch.
The HGA is the primary communication link between the spacecraft and the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), through which the spacecraft communicates with ground stations. The HGA is mounted on a gimbal (rotary joint) which points the antenna towards the appropriate TDRSS satellite. There are also two fixed omnidirectional antennas on Terra which can be used when the HGA is not being used.

This drawing shows the deployment sequence in an isometric view.
The HGA and support boom are shown in red, and the solar array is shown in blue.

Click here for information on the Terra spacecraft in the deployed configuration

Click here for information on the Terra spacecraft in the stowed configuration

Terra Launch Ops Home Page

Last revised: 6 March 2000

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