Welcome to the Terra/EOS AM-1 Launch Ops Guestbook.

Please come and visit often.
Your comments and suggestions are appreciated!

Robert Rustchak - 11/18/00 03:26:20
My Email:rrustchak@compuserve.com

Hi there! We're waiting to be launched into the shipyard. Not nearly as comfortable as Santa Maria! Hope you are doing well. Ciao!

JP - 10/22/00 00:56:34
My Email:johnpprior@aol.com

Here's to the good old days!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken Harasty - 10/14/00 15:17:03
My URL:http://www.basd.org
My Email:kenharasty@usa.net

As a high school Earth & Space Science teacher, I appreciate your efforts to include so much info at one site. One of our former students, Larissa Graziani, worked on the Terra. Thanks, Ken

Eric Deys - 08/30/00 02:53:15
My Email:eric.deys@sympatico.ca

Hello EOS/Terra followers. I worked on the instrument computer for the MOPITT Instrument delivered by CSA. What a thrill to follow the progress on this site. Thanks guys!

Barry Friedman - 03/22/00 17:46:52
My Email:barry.friedman@lmco.com

Marc, Great site...thanks for the memories.

George Guattare - 02/20/00 16:54:10
My Email:gpguattare@yahoo.com

Nice site.

Bill Vogler - 02/17/00 16:23:53
My Email:w.a.vogler@larc.nasa.gov

Great site, thanks!!!

Jim Natale - 01/26/00 17:05:40
My Email:james.t.natale@lmco.com


levesque, mark - 01/18/00 22:35:11
My URL:http://vafb/departments/slc3/
My Email:mark.levesque@lmco.com

Thanks for the great site mark. We are keeping up on the mission. Good luck!

Bob Choy - 01/13/00 16:06:08
My Email:Robert.L.Choy@lmco.com

Marc, Congratulation on a successful launch! Thanks for creating this great web page. Great photos!

martin christie - 01/06/00 15:00:58

Mark, As a member of the design team, it is great to see the final product successfully launched, and hopefully, at the beginning of a very productive satellite life! All the best, Martin Christie

Mike Hanichak - 01/06/00 14:42:39
My Email:michael.c.hanichak@lmco.com

Marc, congratulations to you and the launch team. Those of us who are still here in Newtown are very proud of what we produced. More than anything else, Terra is a testimony to the high quality of the people I had the pleasure of working with.

Paul+Viki Lockett - 01/06/00 06:34:02
My Email:pjlockett@aol.com

congratulations Marc on a really neat site, I continue to marvel at how you find time to put it all together and hold a proper job at the same time

Jim Loman - 01/05/00 22:11:11
My URL:http://www.crd.ge.com/csetl/elec_reliability.html
My Email:loman@crd.ge.com

Congratulations on getting this bird in orbit! Best of luck, Jim

mike carney - 12/27/99 21:05:41
My Email:mcarney@jpl.nasa.gov


Michael Moffett - 12/23/99 23:07:14
My Email:mpcardinal@aol.com

Great site Marc. Glad to see the last satellite that I worked on is doing well.

Fred Surgener - 12/23/99 21:51:53
My Email:fredellie@juno.com

Mark - Great job on the web page. I have really enjoyed it and have passed it along to quite a number of my friends and relations. Also gave it to my grandsons for use at there schools computer class. I know you have spent a lot of time on the page when t me was short thanks again. Fred Surgener (retired)

Carl Zweben - 12/21/99 03:28:01
My Email:c.h.zweben@usa.net

Congratulations to the team on a job well done!

Rick Manella - 12/21/99 00:39:10
My Email:manella@gateway.net

Marc, Great web page! Cool snake.

Laura Drum - 12/17/99 19:13:27
My URL:http://www.moravian.k12.pa.us
My Email:upper@moravian.k12.pa.us

At school, watching anxiously; but alas, Dad just left me voice mail saying the launch is rescheduled for tomorrow. Will be continuing to wait confidently! Tons of love, Laura

- 12/16/99 13:14:12


Kevin Faust - 12/02/99 03:20:40
My Email:kfaust1@prodigy.net

Great page Mark!!! Very informetive its been fun working with you. Keep it up.

JAMES EMANUEL - 12/01/99 23:22:29


Liz Drum - 11/30/99 01:07:59

Yeah Marc!!!! Good Job on the web site!

Charles E. Jenkins Jr - 11/15/99 15:40:50
My Email:c.e.jenkins@larc.nasa.gov

This site is very well done!

E.C. Bonnevier - 11/12/99 22:31:15
My Email:Ecb10131@aol.com

Way to go Kirsten!

Bruce Wolff - 09/02/99 14:08:34
My Email:b.b.wolff@larc.nasa.gov


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