Chaos Data Exchange
- http://www.ping.be/chaosium/index.shtml
Base de données et échange de travaux d'étudiants dans le domaine infirmier et des soins de santé orientés vers les toxicomanies, la psychologie, la psychiatrie, la psychopathologie, et la parapsychologie, etc.
Wonderful site with lot of info! A must see! [French-English]
Kirliangrafia by Alexandre Costa
- http://www.terravista.pt/AguaAlto/2059/index.html
Kirliangraphy: The Energy Field of the Aura in Photographs.
Wonderful site! Alex builds and sells his Kirlian machines. [Portuguese]
Triune-Being Research organization Ltd.
- http://www.triune-being.com
This is an amazing site related to Kirlian Photography, Numerology and Nutrition. Many sections, links and info, surely deserves a visit!
Wonderful site! Colin Maxwell has done a great job!. [English]
Jeff Behary's Turn of the Century Electrotherapy Museum
- http://www.lvstrings.com/quack.htm
Although not directly related to kirlian photography, here you'll find a lot of stuff about old electrotherapy machines.
Wonderful site! Jeff put a lot of photographs of these incredible machines !!! [English]
Alexandre Costa-Electronic Web Page
- http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/5580/index_Eletronica.html
Alexandre Costa - Electronic Web Page.
A very cool site of electronics of my friend Alex! [Portuguese]
RBS Web Site - Eletrônica e MSX
- http://www.rbswebsite.cjb.net
Renato Barbosa Santiago (RBS) - Electronic Web Page.
My friend RBS and his Electronic Web Page! [Portuguese]
Discover Circuits - Collection of Circuits designed by David A. Johnson, P.E.
- http://www.discovercircuits.com
David A. Johnson (Electronics Engineer) and his useful collection of electronic circuits!
Check also his link's page at http://www.discovercircuits/links.htm [English]
Science Passion - A Página da Mania de Ciência
- http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/6777/index.htm
Mauro Pennafor shows his incredible page about Physics. Here you'll find a lot of java applets to teach you the basic principles of science! Each applet, with a very neat graphic interface, will let you change parameters on the move and see what happens...
What can I say? A must see! Certainly one of the best sites of the Web!!! [Portuguese]