AJ's Aviation Home Page

British Airways Concorde  G-BOAC

Click on the Continental Airlines 777 tail to enter the 
"Millennium Jet" page

Collecting slides for over 20 years, this web stuff is all new to me.  So far, this is working out great.  I hope you enjoy my web page and the photographs (slides) on it, feel free to e-mail me.  Everything has come together in August 2000.  This web page will get bigger and bigger every chance I get.  I hope you enjoy looking at my photography.  As a slide collector I collect slides of all airliners but especially like the 777 and DC-10/MD11 airliners.  I will be working on the SLIDES NEEDED page to show you what I am looking for.
I hope you enjoy!

Collect slides, e-mail me:

My name:

AJ Smith

My Email:


If you are a slide collector/trader, or need something that I shoot, please feel free to send me an e-mail.


Click on Swiss World to enter the "Gone But Not Forgotten" page

Click on the American Airlines "RetroJet" 757 to enter the Older Shots page

Click on the Kiwi line-up to enter the
"Kiwi International Airlines" page

New Photos

15 Aug 2000

5 Sep 2000

15 Sep 2000

Old Photos

25 Sep 2000