To Index




Keith Storey

First Contest

Orange CratePhoto

Photo Set I

Photo Set II

1959 British TR: Aeromodeller Text + drawings

Tuning the McCoy 29 from 1954 M.A.N.
Text & Figures

AMA Rules from 1961
The 'real' rules

SCAR proposed B-T/R Rules

SCAR Approved Models
Model List & Plans Service

T/R History
Goran Olsson's site

C Team Race!

If you are interested in "Classic B Team Race"  You can start with this page. Here you'll find competition rules, contest announcements, the approved aircraft design list, and plan availability as well as some copies of old articles to help.

This activity was started by Dave Braun, Jed Kusik, and Kenn Smith (alphabetical order). Appropriately, they all live in the birthplace of Team Racing and so have an invaluable link to contestants and activity during the early days of T/R as well as current experience in F2C and flying B T/R models built for the new contest rules.

The philosophy and objectives of the event are outlined in the B T/R rules web page -- see the list of links on the left. This is a quasi-nostalgia class with those big and beautiful class 'B' racers, but it's still racing. Rules have been changed to make it easier to get going; the fuel chemistry finagling of the past is gone. Boutique diesel engines are not there. Modern day plain-bearing 0.25 cubic-inch displacement (about 4.1cc) glow engines (or smaller) are permitted as are 'antique' pre-1961 "29's" - if you want to risk your relics!

As I can get them I intend to have photographs of competition and aircraft designed to meet the rules proposed here. In the mean time there is a central source for information from the leaders of this recreated event. Kenn Smith of Smith Model Products (the contest director for the F2C team selection contest at Whittier Narrows in October, 1997 ) is coordinating things and you will find his phone number as well as his e-mail and post office address on three of the links listed in the left column.

In the meantime, visit Goran Olsson's Team Race history pages -- see T/R History on the left.

Barr-Norsikian Speed Team 1964 Nationals Winner
the "Orange Crate"

The photo above shows the winner of the last B Team Race event held at the U.S. Natinal Championships. Powered by a modified Veco 29S, Scott Jackson of Sunnyvale California brought it to the Tucson VSC to exhibit along with a number of other beautiful replcas.

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