GO West

Ok, this is not Horace Greely's admonition to young men. But Goran Olsson did "Go West" on 11-19 March of this year.

Arriving on KLM 601 Sunday as shown in the photo at the right, he indicated his intentions to "Converse with my friends and colleauges about control line racing and to exchange views on the pertinent technical trends of the year 2000."

After only three days in California he could like, you know, talk normal.

"I'm maybe like going to shine going home. Gonna hang with Marlon on the beach. We're gonna import Swedish surf boards and sell 'em. Call 'em SMORGASBOARDS."
On the web, too, OK, like smorgasboard.com. We could make some serious money, dude.

More about the F2C show and tell, fast practice times, bench racing and other odds and ends of the get together at the Whittier Narrows area in South El Monte CA in March of 2000. Select the link below for an index of contents.

  [  INDEX OF Get Together  ]

Arrriving with a 9 hr Jet Lag

3 Days later: GO and Marlon - like, maybe they could be lifeguards.

Ordinary people at the Newport Pier.