Those pages here had been assembled, updated and
prepared (but never went active) for the
New Republic Senate in the famous Sim
Galactic Conquest
As it happenend, that more and more people did
not wanted to put more of their own time into it and Xindell couldn't,
the sim closed - again.
Anyhow - for those, who just want to enjoy or
have a glimpse at
New Republican Governmental affairs as it was
in Galactic Conquest,
do so and click on the memorial flame.
The following pages had not been created by me - some of them origin from GC I and had been done by CiC Dritz Do'Urden and CiC Striker. Many of them had been invented by Councillor Art Farliner, and High Comissioner Bossk. I thank them for doing so and I hope no one of them will call me a thieve for putting them up. If you don't like me to do so, email me and I'll remove those pages.
Those, who got interested, check out the new
sim of Xindell.... starting before GC I (but not as Episode I)
Beside Star Wars, the most interesting page on
the web is ..