Date-A-Conrad Industries, Helping to break down the walls of nerd prejudice since 1984...
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Let's play Spot the Changes...

Updated!!! Believe it or not, I have actually finished the order form.

     It's almost Valentine's Day. Did your Christmas fling not work out? Don't be ashamed, not all boyfriends are of such caliber as the Conrad you could be dating. Many girls have tried many of our competitor's products, but they always come back to the tried and true we offer here at Date-A-Conrad Industries! If you order today, it's still possible to get your Conrad in time to show off when the accursed holiday arrives and impress all your friends. So, while there's still time, Date-A-Conrad today!

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All material on this site is Copyright ©2003-2005 Conrad M. Hutcheson.
Site last updated: February 11, 2005