Welcome to Nguyen's Guestbook!

- 03/30/00 07:10:30


Nguyen Quang Khai - 11/27/99 04:01:36
My Email:quangkhai@vol.vnn.vn

Chao thay ! Co da xem qua trang web cua thay va ki vao guet book nhu yeu cau cua thay ! Trang web cua thay trang tri mau chu dep lam !

Nguyen Quang Khai - 11/27/99 03:58:53
My Email:quangkhai@vol.vnn.vn

Chao thay ! Co da xem qua trang web cua thay va ki vao guet book nhu yeu cau cua thay ! Trang web cua thay trang tri mau chu dep lam !

NGUYEN THANH TUONG - 11/22/99 16:24:00
My Email:thanhtuong@hcm.vnn.vn

Just want to learn something from your hard won experiences !

- 11/22/99 16:12:10


Nguyen Trong Tho - 11/22/99 13:11:35
My Email:nttho@hotmail.com

Welcome to my Guest Book. I have just recovered this book after some malfunctioning. Sorry for the inconveniences ... Nguyen

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