
My name is Manolis Zoulias and live in Athens, Greece.
I am interested and working for:
Astronomy Education and Public Outreach
Web and Graphics design
Web, Multimedia and Audiovisual applications in
education, science and outreach
Computing Applications in Science and Education
You can contact me at:

Hubble 15 years anniversary (Check the
Hellenic/Greek version of the
ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercises
Comenius 2.1 - School curriculum for Satellite

International Heliophysical Year 2007 (Education &
Public Outreach activities)

Sun-Earth Days 2003, 2004 (Academy of Athens,
Research Center for Astronomy)
Database of Hellenic Astronomical Bibliography
1700-2000 (National Observatory of Athens / Nat.
Documentation Center, 1999-2001)
Materials and IT infrastructure collaborator (Eudoxos
Robotic Observatory / National Observatory for
Astronomy OnLine (Internet event organized by ESO/EAAE,

Hellenic Astronomy League
Best Computers (Withdrawn)
History of the National Observatory of Athens
Galaxies and
Chaos. Theory and Observations Workshop 2002
Fourth Crusade and it's Consequences. International
Symposium 2003
HELLAS-ENTOG Hellenic Branch of the European
Network of Training Obstetricians
(Designs do not necessarily represent
my views. Most were tailor made to satisfy the
employer's wishes, requests and layout prerequisites.)

During the years there have been produced several
designs for posters, logos or general use. Following is
a sample portfolio:

Click on posters to view a more detailed image.
New, proposals, concepts, vectorization & remakes of

Book covers:
(Designs do not necessarily represent
my views. Most were tailor made to satisfy the
employer's wishes, requests and layout prerequisites.)

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of the
Hellenic Physical Society, 2005 (Cover design and
7th Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical
Society (Conference Program and Book of Abstracts).
"Adventures in Order and Chaos. A Scientific
Autobiography", Athens, 2004, Springer (Manuscript
figures and images preparation and cover design)
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 654, "Galaxies & Chaos. Theory and Observations", Intl.
Workshop, Athens, 2002, Springer/Academy of Athens
(Manuscript and figures preparation)
Abstracts book for Galaxies and Chaos... Intl.
Workshop, 2002
(Designs do not necessarily represent
my views. Most were tailor made to satisfy the
employer's wishes, requests and layout prerequisites.)

If you are a high school (lyceum) physics teacher and
interested in participating in extra-curricular
activities with your class on Satellite Imaging, please
If you are a high school teacher and
wish to collaborate on the development of a special
lesson/seminar for the visually disabled (partially and
totally), please .
If you are an amateur or professional astronomer
please support the
Washington Charter for communicating astronomy.
If you are interested in any of the ongoing projects
or services,
or you have a good idea for a new one, please .

Communicating Astronomy with the Public (Munich, June
International SpaceCamp (Huntsville, AL, USA, July 2005)

In Greek
Comets (Book in greek / co-author with N.
Matsopoulos, 1997)
"Hubble", GEOTropio/Eleftherotypia newspaper (60
pages special issue on Hubble, 23 Apr. 2005)
"Hubble 15 years of discovery" (in Greek) in Ouranos (Magazine
of the Society for Astronomy and Space), June, 2005.
In English
Eudoxos Observatory: Communicating Astronomy using
Robotic Telescopes (in print)
View the poster presentation (JPG,
366 KB)
Hubble 15 years anniversary: A trans-European
Collaboration Project, Lars-Lindberg Christensen, Martin
Kornmesser, Manolis Zoulias, Proceedings of the 7th
Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Kefalonia, 2005 (in
View the poster presentation (JPG,
414 KB)
to enlarge
"Hubble 15 years of Discovery", Bob Fosbury et al. (under
Astronomy and Computing articles translation for the
first greek edition of Scientific American (1999-2000).
Several smaller projects of astronomy translations.

Hellenic Astronomy League
Society for Astronomy and Space
Eugenides Foundation/Planetarium
National Observatory of Athens
ESA-Hubble Space Telescope
** More coming up
Information Technology
MIT Media Lab: $100 Dollar Laptop for school education
** More coming up
** Coming up